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andy hollis

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About andy hollis

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Name
    Andrew Hollis
  • Location
  • Car
    1975 2002

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  1. I've had my '75 2002 converted to electronic ignition and have the bits that used to sit in the distributor, also the condenser. Not sure if this is what you are looking for but you're welcome to them if it helps.
  2. I've been told that the rear seat from a CSI is a good replacement for the tatty original in my 2002. Does anyone have one for sale?
  3. Thanks for the reply Brent, I've pulled the broken assembly out and sent it away for welding. Not sure if it will be a fix, but if it isn't I'll take a picture of the broken part and post it. If what you have is the same that could be the solution.
  4. The window winder on my 1975 2002 has a worn mechanism on the driver's side. Are the winders specific for each side or can I use a winder mechanism from a left hand door to replace the worn parts on the right hand door?
  5. Yep, the last couple of weeks have been filled with trips to hardware and autoshops as the car gets scrubbed up. Actually saw a nice looking orange 2002 on Trade Me last night with dual carbs – that's the future project for mine once I've got all the basics sorted.
  6. No, I bought a grey/bronze one from a guy called Arlo. About three weeks back.
  7. Hello Andy, Can you give me a call on 021 088 96753
  8. Wanted, seats in reasonable condition for my 1975 BMW 2002
  9. andy hollis

    1972 BMW 2002

    Is the 2002 still for sale?
  10. Hello Hagen, I've left a message on your mobile with my landline number, but if you prefer here's my mobile: 021 088 96753
  11. Hello Hagen, Yes I'm interested. Is the car in Auckland, I see that's the location on your post.
  12. Looking for a 2002 for road use. Any ex-race cars or abandoned (nearly complete) projects considered.
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