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Vinu Chandrakumar

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Everything posted by Vinu Chandrakumar

  1. Hey Jon, Im based out in Manukau, but more than happy to come out to you. Cheers, Vinu
  2. Hey guys i am after one of these things, its the plastic trim thing that the front spoiler is slid/bolted onto. Cheers, Vinu
  3. Just the black plastic ones dude
  4. Hey dude, there just standard black ones, in pretty good condition too.
  5. Have listed these on TradeMe. If you wish to purchase them can be through the auction page or here. Open to offers. Links: (SOLD) Side Mirrors - http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/bmw/exterior/auction-1089506820.htm ABS pump - http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/bmw/interior/auction-1089518776.htm (SOLD) Steering Wheel - http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/bmw/interior/auction-1089494661.htm Side Mirrors - $50.00 for the both ABS Pump - $60.00 (SOLD) Three-Spoke Sports Steering Wheel - $50.00 Can ship all parts Nationwide - $10.00 Cheers, Vinu
  6. Hey guys, im after one of these https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=e30+convertible+roof+storage+hood+part+number&rlz=1C5CHFA_enNZ632NZ632&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=701&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8w7SYl-PMAhUFWBQKHbBdCWYQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=J_MQV8PUGUbsNM%3A in a tan Cheers, Vinu
  7. Yea checked the throttle cable, everything seems to be fine there but i will have a look at the icv
  8. Yea i need to get a new radiator... Ill check the ICV Thanks Allan
  9. Hey guys, So I recently got my head reconditioned and got my car back, drove it for around 30 minutes and all of sudden my car stated to idle a lot higher and would accelerate while in drive due to the higher revs. This would happen off and on. Got the car scanned and needed to replace the coolant temp sensor. This has not fixed it. There seems to be no air leaks. If you guys could help me out or have an idea what it could be, would be much appreciated, before i take it back to my mechanic. Also have a video here of the car playing up: Cheers.
  10. Hey guys, So i have taken off my intake manifold and valve cover to recondition the head, while ive got these out of the car thought i may aswell clean them up. The only problem i am having is getting the fuel rail and injectors out of the intake manifold. Does any one have any tips on how to do this. Its a M20 engine btw, and does anyone have any idea how much it would cost to get these parts sand blasted???
  11. Awesome, do you guys fit these parts too?
  12. Hey guys, So I have a 1988 325I Convertible and my ABS light is on, have tried to get it scanned at multiple places but the scanners aren't able to communicate with the car, does any one have any ideas on what to do, or where to go? Cheers, Vinu
  13. Yep can do, ummm $80.00 dollars for the both of them
  14. Pick up is Manukau can ship at your expense. Cheers
  15. E30 Sport Seats & Door Trims Grey Check $400.00 for the whole lot
  16. Does any one have E30 Basketweaves for sale, or know where to get some.
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