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About ssx5

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 08/01/1980

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  • Car
    BMW MSport X5
  • Car 2
    BMW MSport 335I
  • Car 3
    BMW MSport 130I

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  1. Hi Guys.. New here joined up as I deal/sell a lot of different import cars..lots of BMW'S.. been lurking for info etc on here on and off occasionally! Have owned a few myself great cars BMW.. Personal cars are an X5 M/Sport, 335I M/Sport but then again they are all mine inc the ones I import so I drive different ones daily.. perks of the job I guess! Your question is one that pops up on many forums asked by lots about importing a car personally ex Japan.. if it was that easy there would be no dealers! Costs are basically cost of car + Japan agent fee's + fob costs Japan side + shipping & insurance + NZ GST 15% = landed cost (that's if you buy a non damage high auction grade car!) Then factor in NZ compliance costs + any parts that need replacing ie snow tryes or rotors/pads etc for compliance etc = total cost to land. If the vehicle has no other issues such as being a damaged import! (which would open more worm cans! if you had a dodgy Japan side agent!) say a $10k NZD BMW 130i for arguments sake, would have cost around $16 - $17.5k to land & comply.. don't forget exchange rate costs etc also.. they don't always sell for $10k in Japan! A good reputable dealer would aim for a $2.5 - $3k margin.. Some over price it to allow for yard costs, marketing costs, low ball hagglers etc There's not heaps in it for most dealers.. specially when there's so many competing with same cars in this country. My advice is get one of a good dealer locally.. you may just save yourself from loosing a lot more than the $3k or so dealers make on cars! Hope that gives a bit more of an insight Cheers
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