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About Davehaynes1

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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    E36 318is

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  1. yep just got it all off, will pop to the parts shop tomorow and pick up a new gasket. atleast this ones an easy job
  2. so after driving around abit yesterday i notice oil still on the ground.... got the car back in the garage today and yup oil on the sump! its coming from above the sump on the passanger side so i got the alternator off for a better look and looks like its coming from between the oil filter housing and the block??
  3. the m42 'paper' gasket didnt fit.... had to swap it for the rubber m44 gasket that sits in the recess in the sump. yep ran 100% before changing the gasket. i guess something got pulled loose as the enging dropped slightly even with an engine bar fitted.....
  4. maybe you can spot something ive missed?
  5. ahhhh ok that explains it! i will get a pic when im in the garage mate
  6. OK, got it all sorted! Turns out my 1995 318is has an m44, even though m44 were 1996 and later? Anyway, got the new gasket in, all bolted back up subframe etc..... Reconnect everything i took off (Airbox & MAF, Power Steering Pump, Alternator, Battery, Dipstick Tube) nothing else was disconected/taken off. Car will start but instantly die. if i give it some gas i can keep it running at around 1000rpm and runs perfectly but as soon as i come off the gas it dies. Any ideas?? Thanks
  7. Hi Guys. Have a leak just started on my car. Got it up off the floor in the garage, gave it a good clean up and out for a drive. When i got it back into the garage sure enough leaking from the sump gasket. After reading through serveral online forums im at a loss..... most seem to be American talking about oil pans. And almost all mention an 'upper' & 'lower' oil pan. After looking 10 times i can only see one sump on my car! Hopefuly someone can shed some light on this! My other problem is i could not get to the two bolts up inside the bell housing. even with my long reach socket! no idea how i can get them, seem to be a good 5/6cm inside the bell housing. I read on almost every post that the engine should be supported and the subframe dropped to gain access to the sump. Would i be able to unbolt the engine mounts and lift the engine slightly and leave the subframe in situ? seems like it would be an eaiser option unless there is some reason why not. Thanks in advance! Dave.
  8. Hi guys. After some coilovers for an e36. Give me a shout if you have any for me! Thanks
  9. Hi guys. Im after a set of 4 hubcentric rings to fit my 5 series wheels into my e36 so 72.6 to 74.1 Also after a set of 5mm hubcentric spacers.... either 72.6 or 74.1 Hopefully someone has something! Cheers
  10. BOXING DAY SALE! $600 if anybody is intested... New pics uploaded
  11. got this sussed out now, hope this helps somebody else out there!! Bighawks m602 on a E36 BMW RED, BLUE, YELLOW/BLACK - +12V live BLACK - Earth BROWN - Lock YELLOW -Unlock just trying to figure out the auto window roll up now..... if i press my lock button 5 or 6 times it rolls the windows up, but there must be a way to have them do it with just one press!
  12. so far i have secured an earth.... hooked the red, yellow and yellow/black to a constant 12v and tried all combinations of the left over control wires into pin 4 and pin 17. nothing..........
  13. Hi guys! just been out and picked up a remote central locking kit, ive fitted a few of these in the past to different vehicles but this one has stumped me! having a look through the VERY basic wiring diagram supplied and it gives me next to no info on what wires are what...... I have found a few forum posts and videos that give me some idea of what to connect up but i dont know what wires do what from my aftermarket central lock module...... The orange, pink and purple wires are usless to me so this leaves the red and black, obviously 12v power. Then i have grey, brown, blue, yellow, yellow/black. and all i am told is these are the cetral lock control wires....... not too helpful! Any help would be great! Thanks
  14. Genuine ones? A fair few people have told me they are pretty rare and should be looking around 800
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