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About IrishJonny

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 04/11/1991

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  • Name
    Jonathan McNeill
  • Location
  • Car
    1990 320i

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  1. OK then, I thought I'd done one of these already when I first signed up but can't find it and was never active really to begin with. So, here goes. I'm Jonny, from not far away from Belfast, Northern Ireland. Spent the most of my life there and moved to New Zealand with my partner a little over two years ago. Haven't looked back. I was lucky enough to have my pick of several e30s thanks to a stash that was within my partners family. Mine is a fairly bog standard more door 320i and I love it. It had a couple of nice extras mainly the AC Schnitzer Skirts and rear apron as well as more than 305 thousand ks on the clock, when it stopped working.. I came here knowing nothing about cars and now thanks to this car, I work in the industry and I learn something every day. Since owning the car, I have changed the interior from standard grey leather and grey door cards to full black leather with matching cards. At one point I had a full sports set in the front but they were poked and for the money I got for those, I have Rover 220 leather seats I got from Pick a Part plus had a little surplus. They're almost exactly the same size. I've done the likes of the timing belt, waterpump, control arms, bushes, shocks and brakes all round. Recently adding to this by adding lowering springs to remove that natural height they seem to have with 15inch rims. I'm now in the process of getting ready to repaint the car. It's currently diamond schwartz metallic and I'm going to keep it that way. I had originally planned to wrap the car and may still do in the future to protect the paint but rust issues in the original doors led to me having to replace them. There's no point doing half a job and beige door shuts would look a little off. These things are an investment apparently.. Yeah so, I've likely missed a few things but there we go, that's you mostly caught up. I'll try to be more active this time, once I know my way around a little better, I'll look into making a build thread. Not that she's anything special. It's just nice to keep track of things and hopefully have some chats with the like minded out there. No doubt I'll know some of you already. Cheers!
  2. Thanks guys! I will definitely add that meet to my interested list but at the minute, I'd be scared to attempt a near six hour drive in the old girl. Need to look into a sticky throttle, most likely needs a new cable, wherever I'd find a reasonable priced one of those over here, and then get a full set of new tyres but, at least I've got time for that. Eventually, I'll get the bumps knocked out and get a respray but to be honest, I'm fairly proud of the body. One last photo before I head out creating more direct threads etc. From Caffeine and Classics in Takapuna last month.
  3. Hi team! My name's Jonny and I'm from Northern Ireland. I recently moved to NZ with my partner to the East Coast Bays, where she grew up. I've never owned anything close to a classic before but I've been given the opportunity here to have and work on a beautiful 1990 320i. I've never worked on cars before but i know that these older vehicles suit the tinkerer a lot more than modern computerized vehicles so I've decided that with this in mind, this E30 will be my project for the next few years. I've already done some minor fixes, repairs or maintenance tasks, many for the first time in my life and I must say, I'm hooked. The Mrs already rolls her eyes when I start talking about what I want to do in the future, so, I figure that I must be doing something right..? Anyways, that's my little intro, I hope to become an active and valued member but mainly, I'm here to leech knowledge from you bimmer wizards until I have something I can contribute to and know that I have inside out knowledge on. Thanks for having me!
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