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About dalzone

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 11/15/1970

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  • Name
  • Location
    Manurewa , South Auckland
  • Car
    1996 323i E36
  • Mods List
    Tints, Custom paint, DVD player , Sub , Jamex springs , pod filter , valve caps , mags/tyres

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  • Interests
    photography , hydroponics , playing guitar , computers , movies , video editing , comfort eating.... Entourage , surfing (the net), mountain biking...

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  1. maybe i should take the photo down - lol!!! i had over 50 swatches to choose from and kept coming back to this colour - i wanted a brightish blue metallic but with a deep colour if that makes sense - it doesn't look exactly how i imagined but hey , what can you do.... these 2 photos are closer to what i was after...
  2. thanks! good to hear from someone with common sense and style...
  3. ok the blue is real - the shot where it fades out was just me mucking around in Picasa - Googles free imaging app. I have tried Photoshop but found it a hassle....
  4. the blue is real , just recently done. I think arctic silver with black rims was a bit boring. I liked the Interlagos Blue but the standard BMW Navyish?? Blue I can't stand , too dull . this one changes a bit in different light but hey each to their own...
  5. I wish resprays were this easy...
  6. more pix in my albums....
  7. ah , lets see - just asked for the full service combo , no upscaling - oil/filter/bulbs/ drive belt/ drive belt tensioner/ball joints/bust set/rack end/spark plugs..i think for labour they just pick a phone number out of the white pages and double it !! :-)
  8. ummm I was thinking of the blue headlight look if I get a custom paint job ??? like this.. or are bugly ?? lol http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=326649476
  9. thanks. yeah i live in rewa and work close to takanini...small world!!
  10. dalzone

    My E36!

    I think some DTM Vettals would be yum on your car... I've always liked them. http://toptown.co.nz/wheels/view/wheel/32/dtm-vettel/
  11. Thanks - I always liked the DTM Vettals but lately I'm thinking the blue and black look would be nice...
  12. Greetings to everyone. I'm the proud owner of an E36 which is slowly getting improved over time.Any other South Aucklanders out there?? Actually , we are all Super City members now right ?? :-) Dream car would be something like a black M3 (E46 or newer) so if some millionaire feels like swapping ?? (kidding) So far I've done: new air filter , DVD player , TSW 18 inch Spas on NT5000's , Tints by Hyper , Jamex Super Lows , A/C regassed today (praying for no leaks) , full wallet busting service , sub , and fixed little bits and bobs...(wiper pump , valve caps , wiper blades , wiper arms , locks , central locking , painted top grill and tail lights etc..) In the future : new windscreen , headlights , badges , custom door panel inserts , bigger DVD screen , and hopefully a custom paint job.... Hoping for something like Interlagos Blue with black trim for a clean modern look. Anyway , dreams are free - pity I didn't win Powerball in the weekend. Have a good week!!!!
  13. Hi - I'm only on my first BMW (an E36) and I would recommend Car Inspection Services for a thorough check over assuming you are in Auckland or Wellington. My personal opinion is get one with a decent motor and then over time work on other things like wheels , stereo , body etc... I bought mine cheaply but my first service was $1700!!! Just a little bit more pricy than my old Toyota was!! Common issues seem to be saggy door and roofs , and according to a guy I saw today , air conditioning. I have heard of others having troubles with electrics - I'm unsure how much of that can be checked pre purchase. Good luck!! They are awesome cars - you won't regret it.
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