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Everything posted by Gorrington

  1. WHi, re master window controller for 2000 E39.. How much for it.? Thanks.
  2. HELLBM. how much for the master window switch.?
  3. Hi, re master window controller for 2000 E39.. How much for it.? Thanks.
  4. MNeed to upgrade my ICE.. Got a shocking big Pioneer aftermarket screen in the middle of the dash and really shabby speakers. Talked to a couple of Audio places and they want $2.5 - $5k for a half decent set up. Seems a lot to me.
  5. The master window switch on the driver's side doesn't seem to work, can lower/raise windows on each individual door but nothing seems to be working thru the master controller. Anyone got a good master controller for sale. ? Thanks.
  6. Turns out the amp in the boot is in pieces, I guess that's a job for further down the road...
  7. New problem, guess there's going to be a few questions re my new car... Stereo, all lights up finds stations.. However, no sound...
  8. Got the car today.. All four windows won't go down on the buttons, but will go down and up on the key remote. Tried the lockout switch by the handbrake but that's not working.. Any ideas.?
  9. Looks like the SIV route in Oz is a non starter.. Got to be 30+ years old..
  10. I had a quick look on the Aussie import site, seems they also have a S. I. V section..
  11. Does anyone have any experience of compliance in Australia.? Is it similar to here.? There's a chance I may be relocating over to Melbourne later in the year. I guess it's pointless doing compliance here if I'll have to do it over there as well in a few months..
  12. There's zero consistency here re wof, one place fails, take it to another place and they may very well pass it.. Probably the same with compliance..
  13. Has anyone any info on a Euro 3 engine been upgraded to a Euro 4 RE emissions issues... Is it possible, has it been done anywhere.? Seems my belief in trusting NZTA and LTSA to know what they were talking about re importation of a vehicle and its suitability to pass a compliance test was misplaced. These people are MORONS.
  14. Interesting reading.. How many were imported new.? According to NZTA there are currently 39 E39 M5 registered in NZ..
  15. Special Interest Vehicle.? How did that work...
  16. Is 20 years from first registration or build date.?
  17. Gave them all relevant info including the V5C registration document from The UK. Also involved LTSA who saw documents and said it would pass emissions..
  18. I checked it out with NZTA over here before shipping. Conforms to all required parameters. Had a new, very thorough m.o.t, engineer check, before leaving UK...
  19. What's the problem with E39 M5 passing the compliance.??
  20. Hi all, importing an M5 in from the U.K. Looking for a good compliance centre in Auckland. Can any of you guys recommend a place.? Thanks..
  21. There will be one more soon.. Importing one from the U.K.. Hopefully bring it along to a meet..
  22. How many E39 M5s are there in NZ ?
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