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About Thuli

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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    Thulaganyo Mosupi
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  • Car
    Bmw 523 98 model

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  1. I often use the key to open the trunk but it stuck but hey I ended drilling a small hole behind the license plate and managed to open it I guess I need to get a new lock
  2. Nah the rear seats don’t fold down and there is a steel plate behind them
  3. Hello.. I have an E39 523 98 model the trunk lock seems to be stuck on valet mode( the lock is on horizontal position and it can’t turn to vertical position)and I have tried lubricant on the lock, the remote also can’t seem to work and I hear the last resort is to drill a hole behind the license plate. If that’s the case where exactly should I drill
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