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Glacial Pace

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Posts posted by Glacial Pace

  1. 16 hours ago, KwS said:

    Its said deposit taken since pretty early on, so I guess they were waiting for the lockdown to end so they could inspect it. Cant imagine it would do well in an inspection.

    No I can't imagine a 3rd party inspection will go well. I wouldn't be touching it unless I knew my way around them well, had a space to work on it and got a decent discount on the asking price. Still, there will always be people that will be attracted to the cheapest M3 available.

    Personally I think that the E92's available at the same price represent a much better value proposition than the E46's right now.

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  2. Deposit taken on this one now apparently. Surprising that it went (well it hasn't sold yet, but if the seller is being truthful it seems likely that it will) that fast with the current financial climate and the fact that it has very little if any service history.

    Unless a low ball offer has been accepted or doesn't seem like a good buy to me. 

  3. I've been casually looking at E92 M3s for a couple of weeks now, not getting close to a purchase yet but maybe in the next 6 months or so, I'll be keeping an eye on prices but for those who have been watching them for a while, do you think they are still falling or have they bottomed out? 

    I think I'd be after a non sunroof coupe with a manual gearbox, edc seems like a good idea but potentially costly to replace in the future if have thought, any other must have spec? 

    Am I weird in that I'd want 18 inch wheels? They seem to be the choice handling wise and I think they look better.... 19s are pretty good as well, 20s look silly to me. 

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