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Posts posted by bmwsparkle

  1. Top man. Havent got either bits free.

    Good luck finding a M30 5spd box. I've got two, and for how rare they are I'll probably keep both. May have a flywheel I can scrtch up, not sure at the mo. Best to find a shitter 528i manual and swap bits over. 528i go quite well, was quite suprised when I took my one for a drive, thery're not even a huge difference in power between the 2.8 and low comp 3.5. Nice revvy M30s.

    Plenty of brake combos bolt on, easy ones bein e34, e32 etc.

    Easy to update wheels, everything goes on that 5 stud, just different offsets for 3 series wheels.

    May have a set of mtech springs if you want, or possibly my jamexs if I get customs made up soonish.

    All I can really think of at the mo. Too late at night/morning, hit me up on msn though.

  2. hey noobs, lookin to possibly buy a fixed back seat for my car fairly soon, yet want something thats still going to be fine for long trips since the car will remain a mainly road but yet want to some clubsport events now and then so is going to be supportive. Not too worried about FIA approved as Im not keen to make it into a series car or whatever.

    What have you found supportive/not, and comfortable/not?


  3. I didnt say it would, said would be hard to on a 7" anyhow. I said for 8" possibly.

    No way would I have the widest possible, balloon look looks horrible, plus dosent work that well for the rim, problem that ive got now on my 7" rim, 225 are too wide,definatly going to go for 205 next time. 205 are about the perfect size for a 7" rim, which is what Id rather than strech or terrible balloon look. If you're just going for looks, then stretched looks cool IMO.

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