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Everything posted by Heino

  1. Good Morning to you, Hope you are well. My name is Azhar and I’m the event promoter for the 4 and Rotary events. You can talk to me direct about this. You need to have 5 cars or more to qualify as a club stand. It cost $60 per car for the show and shine which includes gift pack, competitor tee shirt and pass for the event. All you need to do is enter this online. Also make sure to write down the name of the car club in that section so we can ensure for setup. Also its best if we deal only with you direct so then there will be no miss communication. Anything else please let me know. Thanks So whos keen?
  2. Emailed one of the organisers, but just realised that i wont be in the country when the show is on, but would still be keen to organise something like this.
  3. This tells you what they judge on. http://www.4androtary.co.nz/Competitor/nat...t-explanations/
  4. Sweet well i will find out but so far all i know is this, V 4 and Rotary Nationals Entries are coming in fast.. All Car clubs needs to get the final numbers into me by no later then 5th December so i can finalise the allocated areas. First in first serve for the spots so be quick.. So if we get a group of Bimmersporters we could enter.
  5. Dubs as in euro's haha chromies and europeans is a big no. lol
  6. Would anybody be keen to get a group of Dubs to enter the 4 & rotary comp this year.? Think it would be cool to get bimmers and dubs out there.
  7. Heino

    My E46 build

    Ask Nu-Del he sells them. and yeah me too, i want to install them on saterday
  8. Heino

    My E46 build

    Well i dont want max camber. They pulled it as much as they could without taking away that nice factory edge and i wanted it to sit pretty flush. So cant wait to get it back.
  9. Heino

    My E46 build

    Have quiet abit of updates The car has been fully painted *photos to follow* Also this morning when i walked in the front door i had a nice box waiting too be opened! My Adjustable suspension has arrived! Also the cherry on top my valve caps came to! The car is going to be Fully complete on friday, And then comes the fun off Installing afew bits and pieces. -Window regulators. -Final stage resistor. -Adjustable suspension. -Wheel alignment, try get as much camber on the rear off factor arms. -DRIVE IT! Entered paint booth Again Going to look stunning Ready to go! Let the painting begin All paint coats done and time for clear. Been cleared and wow shiny Dam i love parcels Arnt the beautiful Just because i can So far the car is coming along amazingly! and cat wait to get her back on friday! Anyone want to help drop in my suspension?
  10. Heino


    Always call Ray. lol
  11. Thanks man, im just sick off little shits, thinking they can run the streets and get away from the law, and the officer this morning told me that they will not be getting a slap, they will have criminal records, so they are getting done correctly. And we are putting up night/daytime running cameras around the house.
  12. Not 100% sure, but i believe wilful damage, prob more. court case on 9th dec
  13. Good news, All 5 kids are getting prosecuted and going to court on the 9th of december! So happy, Everything has worked out well.
  14. Heino

    My E46 build

    Thanks Josh, will update as i stop into the shop every now and then. But it should be all finished in like a week or a week and a half So pretty excited.
  15. Heino

    My E46 build

    Quick update. They started Work on the car today and heres some photos. Front and rear bumper just chilling Rear bumper Getting stripped Same again Front bumper fitted just for photo Same again The rear wheels, DAM they are sexy
  16. Heino

    My E46 build

    Alot of good points there, will definitely take them into consideration, thanks josh.
  17. Heino

    My E46 build

    Dw man I won't make it look like yours, that's the last id wanna do is build a car exactly the same as someone else's car, defeats the purpose. But m3 front is mainly the only front mod you can do in New Zealand, but I'll put a different twist on it . Mine just won't have the sick as bonnet and wide front guards and full m3 kit. But got no idea when I expect it back.
  18. Heino

    My E46 build

    This is true. that is also what is playing a major contribution too painting all the trim pieces. Josh, i cant decide what to do with the Philips diffuser, paint it silver, or matte black? Thoughts?
  19. Heino

    My E46 build

    Im getting Adjustable susension that are fully damper adjustable and height adjustable. and the panel beater is going to resolve the rubbing problem for me. build up the bumper and mod the guards. etc. *leaving it up to the professionals*
  20. Heino

    My E46 build

    I also had a little soft spot for the black trimming as well but i sort off think its worth it too paint them... give it that clean look that im after. And yes i plan on keeping this one long because its low k's and ive chosen ever single piece that is going on it, so its more MY car then anyone else's, "Built not Bought" and all the parts were bought brand spanking new
  21. Heino

    My E46 build

    Shot for the advice Josh, I'm going to gt refinishers tomorrow to specify What i want done where, and i think he is going to clean up and make sure the texture does not come through the trim pieces, I will definitely take into consideration the rubber at the bottom of the bumper because it would suck to ruin it. I might get one of those one piece front lips for the m3 front bumper, which would probably make it even worse :/ but would look good.
  22. Heino

    My E46 build

    Wheels wrapped in rubber Again Test fitting Abit tight there i think Needs some alterations Car has now gone into Gt Refinishers, for a full respray due too the Incident i had with the reckless kids, and also is getting the guards done, Grant will also be matte blacking the Wing mirrors and the window metal trimming. BC gold Adjustable Suspension should Also arrive at my door step soon from Black Label performance. Coming along nicely if i may say so myself.
  23. Heino

    My E46 build

    the start The bbs lm reps Width of rears Test fitting at Jonos Another Another M3 front bumper from Krish
  24. Heino

    My E46 build

    About A month ago i bought myself a nice clean looking E46 sedan. A 2001 320i with motorsport packaging, it only has 89,000 kms on the clock and engine and running gear seems to be in mint condition. I want to make it look like a m3 from the front and also have m3 fitment wheels. So heres my list of thins i want done. -Wheels BBS lm reps, 19x8.5 30p front, 19x9.5 20p rears -Tyres on those are , 225/35/19 and 235/35/19 -Some heavy guard work to fit these wheels in the rear guards. -M3 front bumper With fog lights -Motorsport rear bumper with Philips diffuser -Colour matched trim all around the car. -Matte black kidney grilles -Matte black wing mirrors -And also Matte black the window trim around the top because it is weathering. -Tints -Projector headlights -M spec Steering wheel -BC gold Suspension -Rear Camber arms -15mm Spacers on front -Manual Conversion. -Certify the lot Probably more too add but cant think of it right now
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