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Posts posted by sonic_attack

  1. Maybe, I don't pay too much attention. I liked the wheels but.

    You're right, I just went and had a look. Barely any polished lip on them though, must be the offset.

    I'm always admiring John's black e38 with the staggered M-Pars too.

  2. Theres a plain-jane e36 down the street with a set of those, I'll hit him/her up if I ever see them jumping out of the car. They might only be 7.5" - 8.5" 17's though.

    I considered them before I learned the offsets were all wrong for me.

    They don't seem as common as the other Schnitzers around.

  3. Im a couple weeks away. Ive a couple other necessities and things im in the middle of to take care of first.

    The sensible thing to do would be dyno before and after to have a real measure. Thats additional cost as well though, unless I got it and sent it onto roo who does have a before measure.

    I doubt theres much difference between e34 m60's from one to another and in healthy condition.

    The appeal for me is cost and ease of application. A screwdriver, a steady hand, and the ability to follow simple instructions has seen folk sat "wow night/day difference".

  4. Maybe. I thought about it and figured its a tune for a standard configuration. How much different is my stock standard auto e34 540i to one thats been tuned elsewhere? How much can really change from one

    You're right. $1000 is $1000 though, maybe if I had manual trans and other bits to see 1k in benefit. Ive a standard auto m60b40 though..

    The internet is littered with positive response to these affordable chips. Seems an easy choice. Of course if I had 1k to throw at that I might, I cant justify that expense when theres a diff sitting here that needs rebuilding, tyres needed. Yada yada.

  5. WTF is this? Part of my heater? Back and right of M60B40 - E34

    The plastic pipe inlet/outlet has snapped off (pulled around 10mm of it out of the rubber hose) Is it a part I'm likely able to pickup new around the Auckland parts places?

    Am I able to do a bit of a dodgy routing to one of the other hoses here to give myself a little more time to sort it?

    Scared the hell out of me, thought I'd popped a head gasket hauling past the taxi's loitering on Eden Crescent..



    *Edit: Obviously left and right is confusing for me...

  6. It's not too unreasonable. He's right in that we practically never use our cars outside the commute to work and a drive down the gassy to fill up on the way to the supermarket.

    The idea is entirely plausible given human advancement.

    The timeframe seems several decades short, minimum.

    Who's paying for it? And how? How do you overcome the transition from one infrastructure to the other? That's either a gulfing chasm in downtime switching from a fossil fuel environment to an alternative, or massive expenditure in replicating roading somehow.

  7. I just look. If you're looking you see things. You get some pretty good deals on our street, On saturday I swapped four cigarettes for a bottle of wine with some random guy walking past. :-)

    I'm not entirely convinced these wheels are for me anyway. I really bought them for the staggered fitment and the tyre fitment. I've some suspension flying in next week and want to make sure everything fits before I do something real dumb and fly some wheels in.

    I've had this pic for a while, just picked up from random google search. It sits about right and the polished wheels make it, so I'm using it as a plan.


  8. Faces and lips quite tidy, a bit of road crap and dirt/tar on the inside that didn't move with degreaser and my lil plastic scotchbrite pad thing out of the kitchen, not sure how I'm going to sort that.

    Though I might have a go with oven cleaner? I'm a bit wary of scouring them with anything more course than the green pot scrubber pad in case I scratch them up. I'm not even convinced oven cleaner is the best way to go - I used it to remove black paint from my grill.

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