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Posts posted by bem-on

  1. Hay guys I have a big problem.

    When powder coating the wheels the center cap was left on and im guessing that it heat expanded in the oven and is now stuck on.

    So far I have tried clamping the big bolt in a vice and turning it like a crank but the only thing that moved was the vice that is bolted down on the work bench real good. Any ideas on how I may unscrew it off or am I screwed. On the flip side they came out mint as. 5 hours of polishing on each rim :wacko:

    cheers contear


  2. huh? sparkles=Cam1, pug'n=Cam2, bem-on=Contear and Jazzbass= Rog

    thanx but their pretty crap for a design student, the first pic wasnt p/s, it was done by zooming in as the shutter was opened while exposing the film. :pimp:

    next time more cars, more shots, more beers :mosh:

  3. loads of fun guys, even though it was just the three of us.

    good to meet you Rog and cant wait to meet more of you bimmersport members. I agree with you Cam, it would be good to do a regular meet every so often. heres some pics enjoy

    first pic was of the train drag :mosh: like candy from a baby B)


  4. hay guys just got the five in my boss's garage to get started on some body work to get her back on the road.

    if you don’t know my plans are to get the five back on the road and looking awesome with panel and paint. so the e28 will become my daily drive as the e30 is getting a hart transplant and so will begin the 1jz e30 project.

    so heres the problem. the e28 has been sitting on my mates farm for the past 4 months. she started up real nice with a mighty roar. sadly she only made half of the ride to my boss's garage. every time i put the clutch down i had to go lower to the last pump to get it into gear. then i couldn’t get it in to gear at all. checked the reservoir and it was completely dry. filled it up and pumped and still no pressure.

    so any ideas as to whats wrong guys?

    any help will be much appreciated thanx


  5. Hay guys im about to get started on removing the engine and box out of the e30 after work today and was wondering the best way to go about it. I was thinking of taking the box and motor out intact or would taking the motor and then the box out be a better option. Any advice would be much appreciated.



  6. Hay guys a mate of mine is looking at an e30 and was wanting some advice.

    Its an 87 4 door manual e30. nz new, says the diff is 318i with 320i internals and the speed sensor is disconnected. Says it has a new clutch and no rust but when i saw it today it had a small rust hole just under the front door. has no power steering belt (no biggie).

    He also said that the biff blew from when he put a small wheel on, Im assuming that it was a space saver or some thing. I think it all seems dodgy I mean I haven’t herd of the diff blowing from just that and the fact that he wouldn’t let us take it for a spin so yeah.

    $1500 what do you guys think? Good buy? And are nz new more prone to rust?



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