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M3 Cab

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Posts posted by M3 Cab

  1. I saw this car when it was for sale in Auckland about 5-6 years ago. Id say at 68K with a full restoration - considering its pedigree, whoever can afford to buy this iconic piece of motoring is doing very well.

    A great car which sets the benchmark for a concourse collectible. Good luck with the sale.

    Nice white M3 by the way.

    ha snap white FTW. That's the way brook cabs are badass

  2. Ha that didn't take long. I am indeed selling this car as I don't have the space for it. I'm happy that this is a good buy given the work that's been done hopefully it will find a good home.

    Thanks for keeping the thread clean guys good to see

  3. Have to say that I havent seen anything of the recession and am in one of the worse area hit, property. Still managed to sell the houses we had built for the market without reducing the prices and now have so much work on the books im having to turn it way. We are booked up past the middle of next year. Personally I think if your business is well funded and your strategy is right, you can ride out most fluctuations. Just pays not to over extend.

    Also the good news for those with a lot of work on is that prices for most things just keep getting better (dropping) and people are lowering their margins to get work. All in all its not a bad time to expand

  4. My advice is more about the process rather than the legals.

    Builders report is very very very important. You get to find a lot of faults with a property and hence don’t get surprised. You also get to factor this into your offer.

    DO NOT go to auction day armed only with what the agent has told you. In my experience most agents are clueless. Most are still struggling to come to terms with the market we’re in. Do your own research on the market, property etc and make sure you’re working with facts.

    Play your own game. Make sure you know what you want, what your prepared to pay for it etc. Just because someone else is offering more on the day doesn’t mean the properties worth it. Everyone works through the numbers differently and people’s motives vary. Pays to stick to a plan and not get carried away. On average I only get 1 in 10 properties I go after.

    Use someone else. Seriously if being at the auction isn’t something you want to do use a phone bidder. If you would be more relaxed away from it I would recommend you do this.

    Overall it is a great time to buy. That said there are a lot of buyers and few properties which is current causing a mini boom in places. Regardless of what agents tell you we are not experiencing the end of the recession nor a rising of property values just simply the standard supply Vs demand blip. The point im making is it still pays to buy smart.

    When ya get through all of the crap though it’s a pretty exciting industry :D

    Good luck man

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