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Posts posted by 320SHKBTE

  1. can you open your box ? or is it sealed

    :huh: .....Was sealed, opened it up and this is what happend...

    Checked it all out nothing seemed damaged, i have now relised that both leads going to each angel eye are working, BUT for some reason when i connect them both it makes a buzzing noise and one go's off!

    A couple of shocks later and some swearing and kicking i gave up :blink: Anyone???

  2. yea i got a ground and a power going tinot a box then out to the 2 angels, one on each side, and the box gets really hot, is grounded on the factory ground so thats fine, could it be shorting somewhere? funny thing is is its only one light on one side, so the box cant be completly screwed cos its still running one of the angels

  3. 320SHKBTE, do you know if buying white dash bulbs changes the colour of the speedo or not? Thanks Also how do you unplug the wires? They are in there very solid and i dont want to pull hard incase i break anything.

    Ok, they have a kinda sliding clip that pulls over the whole clip, quite easy just have a look and you should see a bit of a clip that you pull over the clip, hard to explain, but just have a look, you can see it easy! and no, changing the light bulbs will not change the colour, i suggest you get one like mine or the m3 which is like mine but with more fancy speedo marks, really cool, wasnt out when i got mine :huh:


  4. You need to ease the top down and pull it towards you.

    You gotta be real carefull,so easy to damage.

    If you want to take it out completely you need to take the steering wheel off.

    Dunno dirtysix, ive taken mine out a few times to get my new dash lights in, taken the whole thing out everytime without taken the steering wheel off, its a tight fit, take the 2 little screws out on the top and ease in toward ya, put your steering wheel all the way down, open door and take it out the right top side, un plug the wires as your pulling it out, then theres a series of clips to get into the cluster of things :D have fun! B)

  5. Is the bottom of the bumper closer to the ground now? How much closer? Also how much did it cost to get painted? Thanks

    Yea its heaps closer, no worry though, still legal, 100mm from struc point, so bodykits dont count, 400 to get painted froma mates mate...ya no, about 80mm off ground.... :D

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