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hi revving idle on cold start

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hey guys was wondering if any one on here is having similar symptoms from there e36 m3.

if you start mine when its dead cold in the morning almost every time it revs real high for about 30 seconds to a minuit like 1500 to 2000 rpm then idle drops to normal level and if you start it again when its warm it idles fine.

has anyone else had this???

any ideas??


Edited by btccm3

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think most cars do this to warm it up don't they?? mine does and lots of other cars I know of do the same?? Can someone verify that????

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no worries most cars do it, just to warm up, and as u said it only lasts 30 seconds or so i always treat it as *dont drive until the revs drop* cos im obssesive about letting my car warm up.

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no worries most cars do it, just to warm up, and as u said it only lasts 30 seconds or so i always treat it as *dont drive until the revs drop* cos im obssesive about letting my car warm up.

you know in the manual it says that exactly what not to do for osme reason it says 'Never warm up the car at stand still' or something along those lines

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Yeah - idle not a good place for an engine to sit. I always change gear at 2500rpm until the car warms up - better than just leaving it at idle till its warm from what I've always been told.

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Gentle drive straight after starting warms up the engine and all the fluids faster so they can reach their working temperature quicker.

Of course, you don't want to rev the nuts off an engine when cold either. Part of the reason highly tuned engine (e46 M3, e39 M5, etc...) has a gradually increacing red-line when cold.

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... ive always had the total opposite drilled into me??? let it warm up sitting still, and once its warmed up a bit start driving gently, once its fully warm no worries...

Edited by QuickSilver

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yeah the manual says not to let it sit. and 30sec to idle high seems a bit long. mine does a quick jump to about 2000rpm and drops straight down to 1000, then gradually (matter of secs) drops to its normal 700ish idle. maybe your icv is dirty, well it probably is if you never cleaned it lol google: e36 icv diy and you should get a diy on how to clean it.

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yeah the manual says not to let it sit. and 30sec to idle high seems a bit long. mine does a quick jump to about 2000rpm and drops straight down to 1000, then gradually (matter of secs) drops to its normal 700ish idle. maybe your icv is dirty, well it probably is if you never cleaned it lol google: e36 icv diy and you should get a diy on how to clean it.

hey thanks man thats the sort of advice i was after.

i found a "how to" on google ill give it a go tonight. :D

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