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Bricked Laptop.

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Hey guys, I do the computer stuff at work and I had to try and fix on of the laptops someone had for a while, windows kept crashing etc etc slow all sortsa stuff, bascically all it needed was a format, and a windows re-install, before it got to me it went to a shop, and they didnt format, they just installed a fresh copy of windows over the old, so it was still having all the old problems, I ended up using partition magic to give it a format, which it did, it formatted both partitions of the drive, one being 20gb, and the other 40 (or something thereabouts) they did their thing, but had an error partway through running the batch (on restart) and something happend, now when I boot up, it gives a crazy symbol, something like AEZ=2 AEZ=2 or something like that, and instead of the Z its a funny looking symbol, resembling a z,

When I then put in the recovery disc, (which uses a special partition on the hdd which i did NOT formatt) it starts doing its thing, but partway through, the laptop shuts off, randomly, all led's go off, including power, battery, then I press on button, and it powers back on and repeats the process.... so.. wtf????


Acer Inspire 5100,

OS (Before format) Windows Vista Home Premium,

It feels like a hardware problem... but It didnt happen until it formatted, I also tried using XP and using the functions on the disc to either format properly or install XP and recover from there, but the laptop did the exact same thing...

Any ideas???

Cheers, Alex.

Edited by QuickSilver

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Find out what make the hard drive is and get their drive format and rescue program. You should then be able to start from scratch again.

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Could also be damage sectors off the hdd causing the problem.

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now this is just my 2c and probally not to be taken seriously

I think recovery partitions suck, and what i like to do is to get the windows disc and version that applies formatt the whole hdd using the windows setup (doing a full formatt not a quick formatt ) and downloading all the drivers from the manufacturs or computers website and install the lot.

This in not very practical as if the computer has a recovery partition it wont have the disc

and secondly its a pain in the arse because you need to go through device manager and find all your hardware

But it does give you a good clean copy of widows which will usually start up faster and run smoother with all the latest drivers and it dosn't install half of the rubbish that you find on pc's which come pre loaded. Ie we all have our prefferred applications and such.

again not practical but very effective for sorting out problems

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i have determined its an hdd issue coupled with a powersupply problem, I havent deleted the partition BECAUSE all the drivers are located on there, I give the ovther partition a clean formatt and install from there, it only works relative to these laptops that make u create recovery discs on startup other wise i'd wipe everything and just download drivers but thats always a mission to get the exact ones.

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Any strange noise (HDD dying), overheating, under-cooling, etc?

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everything dying is strange imo lol, there is a possibility of the fan not working tho, as there is a LACK of noise there lol.

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