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New E30 NZ website

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Hey guys,

Me and my mate, 320guy, have made a new website, www.e30nz.com . We aim to compile as much bmw and e30 information as we can into one place so it is easy for people to find. We are still in the process of adding stuff, but there is already alot of information we think people would find useful. Videos, manuals, diagrams, etc etc.

Head over to the downloads and articles section.

Feel free to sign up and add your photos to the photo gallery and post in the forum.

There is also a uploader, so that you can upload any manuals/diagrams/images you think others may find useful. You can find it on the navigation menu or here is a link: http://orac.e30nz.com/upload The password to upload is 'e30'

So yea, www.e30nz.com .

Thanks guys.

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Good idea. I reckon it will be good to collate some good e30 articles in one place.

I will definitely use and enjoy it. Cheers.

P.S. registered

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seems a little redundant with bimmersport? why spread all e30 owners around the place? its nice having one place to hang out without having to go to two. + would look at the copyright of the stuff you have there, i know when i was looking at articles, a lot of websites didnt allow usage elsewhere

Edited by The Gus

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seems a little redundant with bimmersport? why spread all e30 owners around the place? its nice having one place to hang out without having to go to two. + would look at the copyright of the stuff you have there, i know when i was looking at articles, a lot of websites didnt allow usage elsewhere

Will have to see about the copyright thing. Bimmersport is a forum, when it comes to actually finding copies of things about e30's such as wiring diagrams, pin-outs, etc etc, bimmersport is no help at all ( for me at least, ) I'd much rather have a place where i can just download the thing i need without having to ask someone for it.

When it comes to E30's there is e30tech, and r3vlimited. Both are very good forums, e30tech is esspecially good if you want to talk to someone about e30s, because it isnt just full of owners, but also a lot of absolute E30 nuts who know everything about e30's. But it still lacks a database of files to download from. There are links to different websites which have the stuff but it's all scattered around the internet. There has been talk from users on e30tech about making a site full of e30 imformation but nothing have really happened until now. The only reason we called it e30nz is because we are New Zealanders who have made it, at the end of the day most of the people to go onto the side ( already anyway ) and download files, are Americans. We posted the same thing as on here on e30tech and havent had a single negative comment.

E30nz is not going to try to be a direct competitor to bimmersport. Bimmersport is fine for NZ BMW owners who want to talk. It's a site that serves a totally different perpose to e30nz that is about BMWs. The only reason i posted this thread was because i know some people will like to use it from here. It has a forum, but i dont expect it to get too big, but it's there anyway.

Cheers fellas.

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cool, it does sound good, but i would very definately check the copyright stuff, a lot of people get antsy about that. e.g. the e30zone articles i wasnt allowed to use etc....would be a pain to have to take it down after getting a lotta people on board...good luck!

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I like the idea and well done. if you dont host the files on your server but rather link to them there "may" be less of an issue regarding copyright restrictions.

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I like the idea and well done. if you dont host the files on your server but rather link to them there "may" be less of an issue regarding copyright restrictions.

Yea im going to have to talk to my mate about that. I know where I can link them from if we have to. I will see what he says, he found most of the files on there, so he can sort it out. Thanks for the heads up on copyright, i didnt even think about it *stupid me*

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