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Hi all, a while ago I posted a topic on a 6er which went no where, but a few months later and things have developed.

I need some thoughts, and opinions and well, worth really, as im thinking of buying this,

It is a 197....8? maybe, 635CSi, obviously the body is shot as its been sitting for a little while, and I hear these are pretty common to rust away to hell,

5-speed manual, 98thou k's, apparently this used to be an ex-racecar, it has a boot leg gear box (as far as I can tell, ie first on the bottom left) I think it has had some work done on the engine also,

My question is, what would I offer for this car?? I havent taken photos because the body is written off, its de-regd all I want is its guts, it has the racing type cloth interior, and other little bits and pieces, all in all it USED to be very tidy before it was parked up, a fault (and there are probably many) is that the water pump was on its last legs, but i'd be replacing that anyway,

so.. what would I offer??? and is it worth it if the engine is in need of alot of work as there aint exactly m30's raining from the sky for spare parts, the gearbox is un-usual and sounds quite appealing, so let me know!

Cheers guys,

edit: also, would I recoop any money by selling of what is still salvagable??? Is there a need for these parts???

Edited by QuickSilver

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getting parts for M30 isnt hard....its been around for AGES.Sounds like its only good for its engine and box anyway..

It wont be a 78....the 635 was a relatively late versionof the e24,could be a 628 or 633?

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A 635csi with a shot body prob isn't worth very much due fact that its the body panels (especially the front guards) that cost an arm and a leg to buy new. If its got the parts you think you need then its worth whatever you can afford to to get them.

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i have heaps of M30 3.5 parts/engines etc .

the manual box and kit is worth something .

rusty body worthless , people only want good body parts .

worn cloth interior worthless except maybe if it has the racaro type seats that arn't stuffed .

things like bumpers , lights /grills will sell .

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