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bimmer boy

Above and Beyond

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Seems a lot of negativity seems to be going on here amongst members, so I thought I'd lighten the note by sharing my story of yesterday.

Wake up at 5am, cant get back to sleep so decide to just get up and get ready for work, raining cats and dogs outside. I get in the car and head to Mc D's for some drive through and then to a petrol station to top up my phone.

So Im heading down Hamilton rd in Herne Bay to get on to the harbour bridge the driving along and the rain is bucketing down I hear a bit of a banging noise just quickly, but keep driving. Get to work, told my other mate I work with isnt comming becasue his leg got run over the day before, so another guy is comming in, and he isnt the best to work with but meh.

Crappy start to the day, then I walk past my car and notice my front lip is gone and then I realise that was the banging noise it falling off and me running it over at 100km/h

I txt Alex (quicksilver) laughing telling him that my lip fell off etc. Next minute I get a txt saying he's walked up the street in Herne bay looking for my lip in the pouring rain and then drives over the bridge to find it, stops and gets out of his car to save my front lip in the wind and rain.

Absolutely made my day, what a mate!

Good to know there are members who go above and beyond to help another out!!

Cheers Alex! :D

So just thought I'd share

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Wow, what a mate. 6 or so am in the pouring rain so salvage a part...amazing, that man deserves a DB:)

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What a good guy, just another note, did you not feel the car running over the lip???

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What a good guy, just another note, did you not feel the car running over the lip???

No us in e30s glide over bumps and humps and dont feel a thing :) lol

Good story though! Nice one Alex

Edited by Drifty 340i V8

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Cheers Ryan! and thanks all you guys! gotta do whats gotta be done! Twas a joint effort between Kate and I, its safe and sound in my room now haha, f**kin windy on that bridge though,

these e30's ay? just fallin apart all ova the show.

Cheers bro glad I could help.


Edited by QuickSilver

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