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Stay off the roads in Central Otago

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This Easter there is the Warbirds over Wanaka air show which is fantastic but which obviously generates a lot of traffic. Add to that this year a big campervan meet (as well as the usual holiday travellers) and you have lines and lines of traffic behind half the camper vans in NZ crawling along the road spewing smoke and refusing to pull over. I just drove home from Alexandra and the traffic was the busiest and slowest I have ever seen. So if you are thinking of driving around Central over the Easter break - do take care :rolleyes:

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I thought maybe Emma was heading to Cromwell. Just Kidding Emma. I'll shout you a beer to apologise.

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Hah whatd you say? You owe me two beers now!!!!

I am actually heading up to Central tommorrow morning. Thatnks for the headsup.

Did oil,water,washer water,battery,light,brake and full tank check today.

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The roads seem to be not too bad at them moment. The big rush to escape into (or out of) Central seemed to be Thursday evening and Friday.

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I just did a 850km round trip co-inciding with the easter bunny shoot which was crap, I done a huge pass in the 5 covering about 6 cars lol, then this muppet does the same from the back and goes straight past a cop in a rental Camry and busted him. On the way home from Wanaka, I took the Middlemarch route home to Dunedin, was probably less than 30 cars on that road between Omakau and Outram, yet I was bumper to bumper from Wanaka to Cromwell, all heading South/Dunedin.

Worth noting, filled up when I got back, car had used 90 litres and gave me 850km and that was with a full boot of gear & not taking it at all that easy. Car was just brilliant! Because the trip computer was set to open road conditions, when I filled up it it said 1050km till empty lol!!!! Car just wouldn't do that but looked pretty good lol! Got a photo of it later on with a bit less km down the road a bit...

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Should be happy with the new car then ;)

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Certainly the Ranfurly/Middlemarch --> Outram was the way to go. Nice drive too, although a few f**kwits about...namely boyracers passing on yellow-lined corners.

Would've avoided Wanaka-Lawrence road like the plague.

I took the "Pig Root" on the way up to Ranfurly, stayed at a place called Kokonga for a few days.. 10 points to anyone whos been there before! Haha

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Certainly the Ranfurly/Middlemarch --> Outram was the way to go. Nice drive too, although a few f**kwits about...namely boyracers passing on yellow-lined corners.

Would've avoided Wanaka-Lawrence road like the plague.

I took the "Pig Root" on the way up to Ranfurly, stayed at a place called Kokonga for a few days.. 10 points to anyone whos been there before! Haha

I'd go one step further and say I'd rather have bird flu than drive that road after the warbirds finished up...

Yeah, passed through Kokonga, small place but has a pub is that right? My Black was passing through there yesterday, were you there then?

Edited by Deeveus525i

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Sort-of, a two-wheel "backpackers"... and a church. Thats all. Haha.

I sure was there then, I saw a couple of BMW's, infact, hey I think I may have seen you!

Plate started with E or D something?

I'm glad you didn't see my BM. Its looking like a dog during duck season. Bit too much gymkhana, if ya know what I mean.

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I'm glad you didn't see my BM. Its looking like a dog during duck season. Bit too much gymkhana, if ya know what I mean.

That'd be grinning from ear to ear then Emma! No amount of mud or water can make my Spaniel look sad.

Good mileage in the new tank too. The 5's come into their own on longer trips.

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Sort-of, a two-wheel "backpackers"... and a church. Thats all. Haha.

I sure was there then, I saw a couple of BMW's, infact, hey I think I may have seen you!

Plate started with E or D something?

I'm glad you didn't see my BM. Its looking like a dog during duck season. Bit too much gymkhana, if ya know what I mean.

Yep DHE it starts with...

EDIT: Remember going past that two wheeled back packers and laughing... There was actually quite a few people around though.

Edited by Deeveus525i

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Haha I sooo saw you then!!!! Wicked looking BM.

Cain - Haha, I have a video I might send to you of the Gymkhana, and the owners reaction to some of the driving it underwent

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