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mr E34

TBMW E46 330 diesel buyers guide.

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Fantastic car. I think these are a great buy. Supply is limited as the Jap's hate diesel cars and there weren't that many sold new in NZ. Me thinks that with fuel prices going the way they are, a 330d would be an astute purchase. Will likely hold its value a lot better than its petrol equivalent.

The 330cd 6 speed manual would be a very cool car. Shame they were never sold here new!

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Obviously the same engine as the X5 3.0d

Friend of mine has this which I actually used as our wedding car. I've also driven the 3.0d and can say that it goes better than alot of cars I've driven. They're simply awesome.

I'm pretty sure the 330d that we see here in NZ has the same spec as the X5 which is 170kw & a mountain 500nm of torque. 500nm is Mercedes V8 petrol territory & in a car that weighs about as much as a shoe, you'd see that traction control light on quite often from the lights!

I was told by the BMW dealer a few months back that the 330d is going to get the same engine as the new X5 which is the twin turbo diesel unit which will be 560nm & 200kw!!!!!!! Thats amazing considering it will average 8l/100km lol!

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There was an E46 330cd on TradeMe a few months back, a red one. Looked very nice. Wonder who bought it...

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