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OT: Anyone here tutor 6th form maths

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I've been asked to help tutor the son of a friend of my boss in 6th form maths for his upcoming exams. I helped my sister with hers about 2 years ago so relatively au fait with the curriculum, and the maths itself is a cakewalk, but I have no idea what to charge them.

Anyone know the going rate?

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At my school if you want a student tutor, you're gonna have to pay around $15-$20 an hour. Wouldn't have a clue as to what a private tutor would charge, but it would be well above that.

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Sweet, had $30 an hour in my head, so might go with that.

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I know someone this year who paid $45 for 1 hour with a tutor :o

So I offered to tutor her for $25, and it is only 6th form Maths and a bit of Physics/Chem.

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sh*t I would charge $60/hr to go anywhere near a student. I would find it extremely boring. Most sporting tuition now days is about $60/hour.

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I had a tutor for 6th form Maths/stats and paid $15p/h(that was for a level 2 Engineering student). If you've got like a mathematics degree $30+ might be alright but i think that's sh*t loads when you can get really good students for $15-$25

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Mine in 6th form was $40 an hour. He was top notch though, HOD maths etc. I think $40 an hour is the going rate for a quality tutor.

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ask for payment in blowjobs. say nohomo and its ok

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I couldn't do that to the Ministry of Education Gus. If I started taking blowies as payment you'd be trying to resit 6th form. And I don't think I want to be responsible for unleashing you back into the school system.

I'm going to take $30. I won't get out of bed for $15. I don't have a maths degree, but did third-year maths papers as part of my degree, and was offered a spot in the mathematics honours programme which I turned down.

I don't really want to do it, its a favour for my boss, and only for 4-6 weeks. Even at $30 I feel like I'm doing it cheap. It's not as if I have bucketloads of free time.

Edited by bravo

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