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Can cops smoke in patrol cars?

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Out of interest. I was following one on the way to work this morning merrily puffing away out the window.

Now the smoking in the workplace law allows smoking in company vehicles if you are the sole user or if the other users also smoke or sanction it (as far as I understand it),

But being a government department, and more importantly, being somewhere members of the public are often "forced" to sit, surely smoking in the vehicle (even when the cop is the sole occupant) is a no-no?

Edited by bravo

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Guest Simon*

I would have assumed, like you said mate, that no they can't.

I'd say he's doing it on the sneaky sneaky and betting that nobody's going to front him about it!

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That's my thoughts unless someone knows different.

And of course, noone (including me) will be bothered to make a formal complaint (esp. not in a town this size - I don't feel like getting pulled up every day for the next 5 years).

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That's my thoughts unless someone knows different.

And of course, noone (including me) will be bothered to make a formal complaint (esp. not in a town this size - I don't feel like getting pulled up every day for the next 5 years).

Yes mate I've heard about the cops up your neck of the woods.

I believe there is one female officer who can be lethal with her ticket book.

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Yep, nickname: Robotwat, although that name was coined for her predecessor who was even worse.

The current one is no where near as bad.

Our regular cops are fine, its the special traffic unit we have. We are the base for the north for Highway Patrol - more of them than regular cops, and even the regular cops complain about them.

Edited by bravo

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I've thought about this aswell as I have seen more than one smoking in the car, infact it seems quite common, I would think that a work vehicle is classed as a workplace and that its not allowed! Your cops sound like a barrell of laughs Graham ;)

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I live with a cop, will ask him tonight :)

Will let you know.

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That'd be interesting. Liek I said, I don't plan to do anything about it if they can't. besides, everyone does something they shouldn't at work now and again.

Just public servants, esp. the police are really in the public eye and are more likely to be in the firing line if they do.

Edited by bravo

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So i rang the flat mate copper.

He says absolutely not allowed to, considered a work place like you folks mentioned.

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I've seen quite a few cops on cellphones whilst driving since the new laws have come in. Are they exempt?

Some of them are shockers at indicating as well, though I'm sure this is a minority.

I have a lot of respect for the NZ police.

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I've seen quite a few cops on cellphones whilst driving since the new laws have come in. Are they exempt?

Some of them are shockers at indicating as well, though I'm sure this is a minority.

I have a lot of respect for the NZ police.

Every cop i've seen on the nothern motorway that have been on their cellphone have been on the side of the road slowly rolling foward

But i'm in auckland not welly

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Hell yeah I always see cops on phones.

Would be good to hear a cop's POV.


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I've seen quite a few cops on cellphones whilst driving since the new laws have come in.

Link to new laws. AFAIK nothing has been actually passed as of yet.

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The more distracted they are by their cigarettes and phones, the less likely they are to see me speeding, so I'm not that concerned. I've lost count of the amount of times I've driven past a cop going in the opposite direction to me and I've been doing at least 25km/h over the speed limit. The traffic cops are utterly useless at their jobs.

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Ahh having been in company with a few cops needing to deal with the Police for a work issue at some stage, I was curious about this, they are allowed to use their cell phones - but only their WORK cell phones, as far as I understand this, they have a cell phone provided for them, they use it to call the station etc etc instead of the radio as previously mentioned, I may be way off the batt here, but thats the impression I got.

Edited by QuickSilver

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