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Can't seem to read all race cars series discussion

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Hi guys

I have a slight problem with this forum and hoping someone can clear it up. On the home page under "what's happening inthe forum" there is sometimes race series discussion which, when I click on it comes back with an error saying the link is broken. Is it just me or does this happen to any other people?

Any help would be great. If it is just for the series racers - how about opening it up to everyone. There will be alot of people (myself included) who are seriously thinking about entering the series.


Edited by zenetti

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It is just for the series drivers, and really just for the controversial stuff. If you get a car and register it with the committee as a race car, you will get entry. ;) It's really to keep the dirty laundry from general public view.

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So it costs $75 to read the forum ;)

Edited by CamB

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They just swap cooking recipes in there Johno.. your not missing much... it's a gurl thing :P

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They just swap cooking recipes in there Johno.. your not missing much... it's a gurl thing :P

You been reading my Mail Glenn? :lol:

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