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Speed Cameras

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Punish the real speedsters not the slip ups!

Mate you got done TWICE in five minutes.....how is that a slip up?

You know the car is fast and yet you were still WAY over the limit. Not just a little bit but a lot. I appreciate you regret it and I think you mentioned that in the thread when you originally lost your license.

But 'sorry officer my car is just too fast' is a terrible excuse.

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Actually, NZ road laws are some of the most ridiculous I have come across...

In my car 70km comes up faster than I can blink (and 99.99% of the time I don't even notice it and am driving completely mallow) I mean hell it's like the 1/100'th of my speedo!

never ever use a gear higher than 3rd in a 50 k area....maybe 4th but nothing higher..

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Fact is guys,and many of us on this site have very fast cars & probably higher than average driving skills,we all know what the legal limits are right or wrong so DONT BLEAT if you get sprung.

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Fact is guys,and many of us on this site have very fast cars & probably higher than average driving skills,we all know what the legal limits are right or wrong so DONT BLEAT if you get sprung.

dam ryt, and if you still have a problem with your speed machines and tickets lol, your more than welcome to swap cars with me :P wont get any tickets in mine :D

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Mate you got done TWICE in five minutes.....how is that a slip up?

You know the car is fast and yet you were still WAY over the limit. Not just a little bit but a lot. I appreciate you regret it and I think you mentioned that in the thread when you originally lost your license.

But 'sorry officer my car is just too fast' is a terrible excuse.

I am just saying, it was not out of rebellion or whatever... I honestly did not feel or notice that I was over the limit...

And no, I never get warnings in my car. Cops just love to slap me with everything they got when they see the "BMW / M3" badge... Ok, ok maaybe the plate has something to do with it too lol.

Anyhow, I think I will be investing in a V1 once I get my license back so it keeps me in check while I am on the road.

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Actually, NZ road laws are some of the most ridiculous I have come across...

100 demerit points over the duration of 2 bloody years!...

I am sorry but you deserve everything you get! If you can't drive such a "fast car" responsibly, maybe you should get a Daihatsu Mira. That way you will never get to the speed limit and never get a ticket! :P

To put your little rant above into perspective......... Australia you only get 10 demerit points over 2 years, and you can also get pulled over and fined (including demerit points) for going TOO SLOW in the fast lane.

ACTUALLY........... I wish they would do that here too. Too many NZ drivers sit in the fast lane when the "slow lane" is generally free.

Edited by zenetti

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Aussie rules are strict as f**k, we dont want them in NZ. Currently have a cousin over there thats lost his license for 5 years. Was drink driving

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Fact is guys,and many of us on this site have very fast cars & probably higher than average driving skills

Lol I highly doubt that. Sounds as though at least one member on this site got his license out of a cereal packet.

Thread closed. Going nowhere. If you want to read a debate about speeding do a search - there's a new thread on the subject every 6 months.

Edited by bravo

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