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Bagged Cars And Fines.

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Was driving my mates gay bagged Mercedes this afternoon to the shops *spew* as I had to do some errands with him (stupid boy got dic'ed).

Anyway, I parked up and sat it on the ground, and some lovely police men pulled up commenting on the height of it. It was sweet as it was certed etc, and they lost interest after awhile, but...can they fine a car if it is parked up and sitting on the ground? Cos I didn't get one. But yeah. Can they do anything? Or is it if it's just driving around slammed?

Just something I thought some clued up men would know. :huh:

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When the setup cost a maximum of about $3-4k, thats gay.

Not too keen on bagged cars. Too much p*ssing around.

Money could be spent somewhere else.

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When the setup cost a maximum of about $3-4k, thats gay.

Not too keen on bagged cars. Too much p*ssing around.

Money could be spent somewhere else.

someones being mature lol ..yea bagged cars can look nice at times ..but that phase is kind of over

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someones being mature lol ..

Am I? Or are you just taking the piss?

Are there any older guys who actually like bagged cars? Or Hydro's in cars?

Ohhh so the police can't do anything if it's parked up slammed? Cool. Not that it affects me. Mine is 100% legal. Haha. Whoop whoop.

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Just like saying you drove your mates E30 with chromes. That would be gay, doesn't mean they're all gay.

A lot of bagged cars are pretty decent, there is a shitload of work that goes into a lot of them and a lot of $$$.

Think you can drive it on whatever angle/height you want as long as you don't "operate the bags" whilst in motion.

Mates Hilux is certed, will see what the exact wording is on the cert plate, but it's something along the lines of "not to be operated while car is in motion" under the exceptions part.

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Okay...I was saying. In general I don't really love bagged cars. I don't have a problem with them. I just think the trend has been thrashed. Now-a-days young guys will put bags in sack of sh*t cars. Just cos they think it's cool.

I think bags are best in utes. Thats my opinion. They look best.

There is a difference in putting a $11k bag setup in a pretty decent vehicle eg. an Audi Wagon :D and making it look unique...than putting in a dodgy $3k setup in a Mazda Luce.

Get what I mean?

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Any car that is illegal can be ticketed regardless of whether its parked up or being driven.

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unless its stated that its a show car, you can still get a pink/green ion even if the owner of the vehicle is not present and the cars parked up

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