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Legal places to go sideways?

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I have realised, as much as I enjoy doing skids, I'm definitely not at all comfortable with my car when it is sideways. I know I would like to have greater confidence to be able to stop my car going sideways/backwards into things.

I assume this will be improve with seat time. But where do I acquire seat time? Hitting gravel mid-corner on a hillclimb isn't the best way of learning, neither is having a close call with the Taupo pitwall. My pants were too brown in both instances to learn very much.

I can not afford to get any traffic offenses because I have too sweet a deal with my insurance, neither can I risk losing my car due to sustained loss of traction. And of course I'm a law-abiding citizen that doesn't break traffic rules, blah blah.

So, I have contemplated the following:

Autocross - Most tarmac autocrosses are very slow in the Auckland region, I guess I could learn to power-oversteer better.

Grasskhana - my car may be too low and most courses are too slow/tight to learn on-limit throttle control.

Drift trackdays - Would be great, but I'd end up holding up/bothering a bunch of drivers with 1000000hp turbos. And my experiences with "dirf boyz" haven't been the most savoury experiences (no offense to any).

So, are there any other options out there? Any giant private skid pad/airports available to learn on?

Or should I just harden up and do what I can?

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