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bimmer boy

M10 318i Problems

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Hey guys,

A mate of mine has a M10 318i that is having a few starting issues at the moment and Im not too mechanically minded enouhg to give him a diagnosis. So I was wondering if someone can help find what the problem is.

What happens is when the car is cold you have to crank the engine over and over until it finally starts up but pours out black smoke..

It is fine when the car is warm and go to start it but usually only on the second try it does, but if you leave it to cool down for a few mintutes its a bitch to try start again.

From what i could understand when being told about it, he has changed the fuel filter, ignition leads, injectors, checked AFM and Dizzy cap and rotor and said they seemed fine.

Anyone have any ideas? It would be much appreciated.


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Guest FrantiC

Sounds to me like it is flooding (Hard starting then black smoke - usually black smoke = rich), Which would be leaky injectors, leaking fuel into the cylinders when the cars off.

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Guest FrantiC

If it's flooded with fuel of course it will be hard to start.

I don't really know much about the m10, Maybe a bad cold start valve if they have one or something?

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Sounds like a problem with the cold start injector and/or the thermo time switch.

Either the Haynes or the Bentley manuals will tell you how to trouble shoot them.


Make sure engine is cold below about 25°

Disable the ingition by removing the main relay

Remove the cold start injector, aim into a transparent jar

have someone enage the starter while you observe the spray pattern.

Should be a nice cone that goes for 8 seconds.

No spray = replace thermo time switch

bad spray = replace cold start injector

Warning! Will Robertson! high pressure petrol + flame or spark = big boom!

Please be careful

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