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camera doctor

Dual Booot W7 and Vista

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I currently have Vista on one of my desktop machines, and sitting next to it is a brand new SATA drive and a Full copy of Windows 7 Home Premium.

What I want to do is install W7 on the new drive, and have the machine Dual booting W7 and Vista on separate drives, so that i don't get in trouble with the 'war dept' for deleting anything off the Vista drive !!

I have Googled for a 'How to' but seems, as is the case on the Internet, there are as many suggestions as there are questions!

Has anybody done this, and can they please walk me through it.


Edit for spelling :rolleyes:

Edited by camera doctor

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Guest Simon*

Greg what about Virtual Machine? You can run multiple OS'es on same machine

There is a free version for download I think

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Greg what about Virtual Machine? You can run multiple OS'es on same machine

There is a free version for download I think

Cheers Simon,

What I am trying to achieve is to install W7 without modifing the Vista install at all, as I don't want to run the risk of loosing data on that drive :rolleyes:

A Google search suggests that if I plug in the new SATA drive, put the W7 DVD in, Windows should ask me which drive to use, and it should also setup the boot manager, but I'd feel happier if someone who has done it can confirm this for me :unsure:

A link to a good guide would be great !

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Yeah if you install a second OS beside the Vista install (leave that drive plugged in, but don't touch it during installation), The windows install automatically will modify the boot.ini and create a dual boot for you when you turn the PC on..

So when you turn it on, it will boot up through BIOS splash screen, then when it comes to load the OS it will hault at a boot option screen where you choose the OS to install..

You won't lose anything on the drive VISTA is on, only thing that changes is you install windows 7 on the new drive and Windows re-configs the boot.ini for Dual OS.

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Yeah if you install a second OS beside the Vista install (leave that drive plugged in, but don't touch it during installation), The windows install automatically will modify the boot.ini and create a dual boot for you when you turn the PC on..

So when you turn it on, it will boot up through BIOS splash screen, then when it comes to load the OS it will hault at a boot option screen where you choose the OS to install..

You won't lose anything on the drive VISTA is on, only thing that changes is you install windows 7 on the new drive and Windows re-configs the boot.ini for Dual OS.


I'll give it a go and Post my results :)

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If you let me know what "data" you are worried about loosing i can tell you all the folder paths to that data.

You can plug the vista drive into the machine as a second drive and then copy all the data over.

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If you let me know what "data" you are worried about loosing i can tell you all the folder paths to that data.

You can plug the vista drive into the machine as a second drive and then copy all the data over.

Cheers Heath,

Basically, I've been down this road before, and it is a case of once bitten, twice shy!

If the PC was for my use, I'd reformat and start again, as all photos, documents etc are on a separate drive anyway, BUT as this is the 'family' PC I need to be careful.

In the past, when I have upgraded, I got myself into strife by loosing games saves, emails, files, programs etc, that I did not even know were in use!

So I figured, if I install W7 on a totally separate drive, with Dual Boot, the family can continue to use Vista, and i can play with W7 without upsetting them!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Don't even get me started on the grief I get when I change ISPs !! Even though I setup our own Domain so emails could be transferrable, the family still uses the ISP emails ( told them not to! ) , which can be an issue when changing ISP !!

Oh, the joys of family :wub:

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Oh, the joys of family noobs :wub:


Hope it works out anyways, You can't really make a mess of this unless you do the mistake of reformatting over Windows Vista... Otherwise there should be no probs mate.

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Thanks Guys,

Went smooth as ( once I searched thru my boxes of crap and found a SATA Data cable ! )

Only other 'issue' I had that would have been best to fix first was that I could not select the OS from the Boot Manager screen, as the wireless keyboard would not work without OS !

Easy fix, enabled Legacy USB in BIOS, all working great!

Cheers :)

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Ahh Family computers. My parents computer is actually MINE. now they're getting another one. I should stop giving them computers.

I think you'll love Windows7.

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