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Driving someplace for the holidays?

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A plea from me. Easy on the booze and right foot.

I'll be working Christmas day at Waikato ED so I don't want to see anyone coming in from a prang.

Leave early, plan for crap weather or detours, overtake carefully please.

Better be late than never.

Merry Christmas :)

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A plea from me. Easy on the booze and right foot.

I'll be working Christmas day at Waikato ED so I don't want to see anyone coming in from a prang.

Leave early, plan for crap weather or detours, overtake carefully please.

Better be late than never.

Merry Christmas :)

2nd that, have been in the fireservice for 17 years, and i have seen enuf

Merry xmas all :rolleyes:

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why are all the related videos videogames??

also my opinion isnt that the message isnt getting through its just that it doesnt stay in the front of some peoples minds when they are drinking

if you are sober enough to make the decision for yourself not to drive then its your responsibility to make the decision for others who are not in a fit state of mind to make it themselves

i was nearly killed in a crash where a drunk driver (at 2pm no less) crossed the centerline around a corner in a celica with 7 passengers and plowed into my car he glanced off the front right wheel and the A pillar took the full force of the impact meaning no crumple zone im very lucky to be here luckily it was raining so i was doing 60 instead of 100 he was doing 95 round a 65 posted corner in an overloaded car while drunk in the rain

and i have personally seen an accident first hand where i was behind a car that was being driven by a drunk he lost it round a corner and hit a bank he survived but broke his back leg arm 2 ribs and his jaw

really not worth it best case scenario you get caught and lose your license for a year worst case you run into another car and kill someones kid

make sure you get home safe and everyone you are with makes the same decision

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why are all the related videos videogames??

i was nearly killed in a crash where a drunk driver (at 2pm no less) crossed the centerline around a corner in a celica with 7 passengers and plowed into my car he glanced off the front right wheel and the A pillar took the full force of the impact meaning no crumple zone im very lucky to be here luckily it was raining so i was doing 60 instead of 100 he was doing 95 round a 65 posted corner in an overloaded car while drunk in the rain

I had a woman, drunk, no belt no rego no warant no insurance and a pasenger,and now 2 kids that havent got a mother anymore for xmas.

that was 5 years ago, and it stil haunt me.

so please be save on the road this xmas

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