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Student Exchange to Spain

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Well I spent the weekend in Barcelona last weekend, with a bunch of Americans, an Aussie and a bunch of German and Austrian girls,

It was so much fun, staying in a hostel touring the city by day, getting wasted by night.

Went to the coolest bar thats based on the Dow Jones stock market and the price of drinks change depending on the demand for them. Really clever, as it gets you to constant change the type of drink your having, say you order a Heineken then the price of Heineken for the whole bar (its pretty big) will increase by 0.50 Euro, pretty clever really, cheap drinks in bars here aswell. Mind you not as cheap as Mark's...

6 Euro bought me a round of Whiskey shots for 3 Americans and I.

The night life here is nuts too, so much better than Auckland. Mind you I assume that's what its normally like in Europe :) Hopefully I will be heading to Madrid in the next few weeks for a few days.

Went to the Sagrada Famillia, massive Cathedral in the heart of Barcelona, that still isn't finished yet as the archetict Gaudi died while he was still designing it and they don't have any designs on paper so they have asked friends and family to describe what he told them aobut his plans for the cathedral. Won't be finished for another 28 years.

Also went to some of the buildings he designed aswell as Montjuic, Tibidabo, and La Ramblas.

For those of you that have been here before I think you will know where I am talking about anyway here are a few pics

Photo 1: Tibidabo

Photo 2: Tibidabo

Photo 3: Metro

Photo 4: Gaudi's Building

Photo 5: Sagrada Famillia

Photo 6: Sagrada Famillia

Photo 7: Barcelona

Photo 8: (From left) Me, The Two Americans and then the Aussie









Edited by AJ-E30

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Trip sounds awesome man. I'm heading to Barcelona in Sept for a conference so am interested in what you think of it. There is a bar like that in CHCH, I think its called the Stock Exchange.

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Trip sounds awesome man. I'm heading to Barcelona in Sept for a conference so am interested in what you think of it. There is a bar like that in CHCH, I think its called the Stock Exchange.

Hey mate, it is an amazing city. Truly amazing. I will give you a PM, if you have some free time on the conference I would be more than happy to show you around the city. That's assuming I won't be else where in Europe :D

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Was a mint day today, so I decided to flag school and go to Barcelona to do some exploring.

I had my first experience with pick pocketing though, at the train station I felt someone brush up beside me, and I thought that was kind of weird cause there weren't heaps of around and then I thought sh*t. Felt my back pocket and 20 Euro was gone because I had just gone to the bank to get some cash out, (I keep my smaller wallet with all my cards in it in my front pocket, but I didn't have my bigger wallet with coins and cash in it), I saw some short dude get on a train just as it was leaving he timed it bloody well to get on the train.

Went back later in the day with a friend and his SLR got some good shots, he has a Nikon D70 and a Canon EOS 300d.

Anyway heres a few pictures of Barcelona at its finest,

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Above the main Metro station - Placa Catalunya

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Looking back down Palacio de Montjuic

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Placa Espanya

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Placa Catalunya

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Last Weekend we went inside La Sagrada Familia amazing building really, to think it still has 26 years left of building (aproximately because they keep increasing it) and it was started over 100 years ago

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My friend's photos

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Another of my friend's photos

Edited by AJ-E30

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Looks like a cool interesting place. City shot looks massive

The size of the city is mind boggling compared to NZ, but thats Europe for you. The main thing is its all built upwards aswell, where everything is 5 or 6 stories high unlike Auckland where its just spread out

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Well incase you guys haven't heard Catalunya was hit by a huge snow storm today, it has never snowed in March before in Catalunya (an area of Spain).

Got up this morning to find it snowing, was pretty cool, went to school and told me to go home, so I was like sweet as, went hope and slept :) then woke up to find all of this outside. Couldn't belive it.

Its around 8 inches in some places and its -1 in my town at the moment and in most areas a good 5-8 inches of snow some places more.

Saw a 320d spin out while taking a corner and it hit a tree, it was only slowly so minor damage to the car, bit to much gas eh?

I am not use to this amount of snow being an Aucklander, I mean I have been skiing and boarding loads of times but not where you step out from your house and everywhere is covered in snow.

Barcelona has just been shut down, no roads leading in or out are open and all trains have stopped.

No school for a few days, meh I'm happy with that :)

State of Emergency has just been issued

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The car parked for 2 hours

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My street now

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My Street this morning

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Me at the park

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The garden this morning

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Garden now

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Footpath now

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Footpath this morning

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Be sure to include some "mujeres" pics too & remember: What happens on tour stays on tour haha!

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