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Headlight WOF Fail

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Attempted to get my WOF done at VTNZ yesterday.

I was failed because of the following:

My Right Headlights "round the wrong way" ??

he tried to explain to me my bulb was in around the wrong way because the beam is being projected like so;

Left beam .. Right Beam

\__ .... __/

When the right beam should be


.....\ (ignore the dots)

Or something like that?

I guess this is meant to be the shape of the beams when projected onto a vertical surface infront of the lights.

The focus point of the lights is center so thats not a problem.

Do i have a LHD headlight? I haven't swapped my headlights so they've passed many a WOF, until now <_<

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Guest Simon*

Why do people go to VTNZ???! :wacko:

But yes I understand what you mean about the beam - it's aimed at oncoming traffic rather than your side of the road

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VTNZ is walking distance from work :rolleyes:

...drive in, walk back to work, collect when ready.

That'll be the last time i throw $49 at a WOF

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the headlight low beams should look like:


I cant tell you what would cause that pattern, it could be an upside

bulb but it would be in the holder/headlight incorrectly if it was

upside down (you would notice), could also be a faulty bulb as

sometimes the reflectors fall off.

usually the LHD switch just cuts the angles off:


Thats all I can say without having a look

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Is it not the pattern of the glass that dictates the throw angle? In which case, I'd say it was the lamp that was in upside down and not the bulb. Glass pattern should match the l/h lamp.

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Aren't the bulbs "keywayed" into the holder?

could the lights be on the wrong side? haha.

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I shouldn't even justify those last 2 posts with an answer but I will.....

Alias: I dare you to try and put your entire headlight in upside down.

Also please post your progress and photos here. Nuff said.

Antil33t: Yes the bulbs are keywayed, however that doesnt stop people from getting it wrong.

And Im hoping the haha meant you were joking.

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No lights are not on the wrong side! The 3 clips stop you from doing that?

Will post pictures when i get home tonight...

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Is your headlight installed back to front?

___/ is quite easy to fix. Just flip it to become \___

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rhd and maybe lhd too allow for the healamps to be rotated approx 45 degree to allow you to be able to use your car on the other side(read owners manual).Perhaps this has been done or somehow you have ended up with a lhd headlamp at one time.I often go th vtnz drive in drive out.never had an issue with them

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I have a feeling rotating the headlight 45Deg isnt going to give the pattern that he's got. However you do learn something every day.

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Which bit am i rotating?

Unclipping the entire bulb housing from the bracket or...?

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I had the same issue a few years back in my E30. Basically I upgraded he low beams on a pre face lift to the later projector beam style and it failed on the wof. I had been running around for a few months before the wof was due and not once did anyone flash me due to being dazzled or mistaking my low beams for highs also did not seem to unduly light up the right side of the road. The particular lights had a reflector built into the bottom of the glass. I swopped them out for another set from a wrecker an the car passed first time. These did not have the reflector at the bottom but also I saw very little difference (good or bad) in terms of lighting pattern or performance. - Go figure...

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Which bit am i rotating?

Unclipping the entire bulb housing from the bracket or...?

the whole lamp assembly can rotate afaik.

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