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Guest Ari Gold

Help my girlfriends mum!

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Guest Ari Gold

Jane was diagnosed with cancer for the second time in 2008, with a very grim prognosis. Now, thanks to Suninitab, she has enjoyed a longer, better quality of life.

Unfortunately, neither the government nor her health insurer cover the exorbitant cost of the drug - $10,500 for a 6 week cycle (that's right - the mathematicians among you will have recognised that this is $91,000 a year, more than most people earn)

One fund raising initiative is an online auction, commencing this Friday 9 April via her website - www.janewebdesign.co.nz. I appreciate that not all of you can afford to bid on the prizes (there are some good ones too!), but my family and I would really appreciate if you could pass on some of the prize information to other friends and family who might be interested, or even just read up on Mum's situation to help spread awareness.

PRIZES AVAILABLE INCLUDE: Art works (including works by Pamela Brown, Tom Scott) Entertainment and Relaxation (including art workshops and a day with Burton Silver), Fashion and Jewelery, Food and Wine (Central Otago Pinot Noir and Tiffanys Fine Dining), Golf (including The Hills, Millbrook, Jacks Point and Clearwater), Luxury South Island Accommodation (including Eichardt's Private Hotel), and Tourism and Adventure (Quweentown and Milford Sound).

Mum's good prognosis cannot be expected to continue unless she keeps taking the drug, and after leaving her well-paying job and becoming a beneficiary, she can no longer afford to keep taking the drug without financial help.

This is a drug that works, and is funded in most other jurisdictions including the UK and Australia. It saves lives, and should be funded here.

She was given 3 months to live in 2008, with this drug she is still kicking it, anything you guys could do to push up the bids etc would be much appreciated. I'm running the auctions, so if you want something and have a question, fire away!

Links to auctions: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Members/Listings....?member=1612978

Edited by Ari Gold

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Really wish you good luck with it man.

Seems so inhumane that a person has to pay that amount of money just to stay alive, It actually bugs the hell out of me as the goverment waste so much money on no hope dropkicks that go on the dole etc and that money could be put to better use in cases like this one.

I'll happily pop in a small donation when I get paid next week.

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Bidded on wine & food. Interesting that TMe are allowing the wine auction to proceed.

Great to see a Bimmersporter driving this initiative :)

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Guest Ari Gold

You can make a small donation to the The Jane Egerton Trust at 02-0800-0795200-083, every cent counts!

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You can make a small donation to the The Jane Egerton Trust at 02-0800-0795200-083, every cent counts!

Done - put a little bit in there to help.

My brother survived cancer and a brain stroke ... and fully recovered. He was also lucky to have more than 95% of his medical and surgical bill paid for by the Government (not NZ - the NZ health system is so flawed I don't even know where to begin to criticise) ... But every bit helps.

Hope she gets what she needs and soon.

All the best.

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Good luck. Think positive, tell you a quick story about this elderly gent who lived to 100yrs & donated his body for science so they could examine it for research.(why did he have such good health till his death)Upon his death they carefully examined the entire body, to their surprise his body was riddled with cancer but his body had controlled the cancer in pockets, so the morale is hopefully you can just live with it, all the best.

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Guest Ari Gold

Thanks to everyone who donated and won auctions!

It was a huge success, with a full round of treatment being paid for.

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Well done.

I have just taken out comprehensive Health insurance with a international insurance company after reading this tragic story, made sure I found a company who will pay for any treatment recommended by any specialist, they would even fly me overseas if it want available here. A lot of the local company’s wont offer this.

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Well done.

I have just taken out comprehensive Health insurance with a international insurance company after reading this tragic story, made sure I found a company who will pay for any treatment recommended by any specialist, they would even fly me overseas if it want available here. A lot of the local company’s wont offer this.

Out of interest.. Who?

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