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haha reminds me about my mates integra when he jacked his car up on the grass to adjust the suspension and he didn't put blocks on the front wheel and the car fell off the jack......

hahahahahha !!! hada close call like that, except we had it on 2 sizzor jacks, and 2 axel stands. with no wheels, very close call, would have ruined my mates pride and joy 200SX project

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Used to be a pizza delivery boy. One time delivering out the back of Havelock north, I was cruising down the street trying to find the number. Pretty easy to find, odds on one side evens on the other. So It was on my side of the road so I was looking as the numbers go up and up then oopps went abit far just missed their driveway... So I popped it into reverse, reversed back to the house, half went up on their driveway and other half on the footpath... then BOOOM the back of the car dropped down and slammed to the ground. I was like WTF hopped out and looked behind me.. Oh what do ya know, I reversed abit too far <_<

Our old neighbour was an J.P so ther were always cops coming to there place, and our drive is about an halve meter lower,so when they backt down they went over the side and had to get an towtruck in to get them of,

About 6 cars have done this so far.

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