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My rant for possibly the year.

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Drink Drivers are scum In my book. I don't care what they do for a job, its irrelevant.

The question is, would the judge have given the consideration he gave to this cop to somebody else of a different profession who would lose there job due to a conviction? I think not.

And being somebody who enforces the law he broke, he should have known better.

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I agree with Peter somewhat. Don't get me wrong I have no tolerance with drink driving but I'd rather have an senior officer with experience back working again than off the force in another job.

These cases are not easy to judge at all. NO-ONE knows if this is the first time he's driven while over the limit, only that its the first time he's been caught. But he was 1 and a half times over the limit which doesn't happen without quite a bit of drinking.

It's extremely unfair that he gets charged and gets let off with a light slap. He has received the same conditions as someone who gets convicted though, just without the charge on his record. There are a couple people on other forums who claim that they were charged and received the conviction with the only penalty being to pay the fine and court costs, no loss of licence which I completely disagree with.

I would never drink and drive and I have absolutely no sympathy for those who get caught. However this cop gets put on a pedestal. He's not the only one who has been let off with a light slap guys. All charges are judged on a case by case basis, whether thats fair idk?? But his position of authority kinda assumes he knows better than to drink drive.

I don't think this is a case of if a cop drink drives he gets let off. I believe all evidence was explored and the ruling was made regarding that. I don't believe that a judge would have let off a younger less experienced officer. The judge has obviously weighed up the pro's and con's of his decision.

And believe that he will have lost all respect from any other officers.

I don't know if I really wanna get involved in this lol :rolleyes:

Agree with you Nick - I certainly don't condone the drinking driving - especially from those enforcing the law.

This sort of publicity certainly does the Police image/respect no good either.

That said, & as already said - there may be circumtances known to the judge & not us regarding this case.

In one breath I would say - he should be treated like everyone else, in the next - I would suggest that being that the Police will not allow employees with a conviction, then maybe in this case, this guys experience/talent as an officer is deemed to be to valuable to lose - we certainly need cops with experience.

I would suggest that maybe in lieu of conviction - maybe a much larger fine could have been appropriate & maybe a longer loss of licience to the norm.

I also suggest - not ALL people with DIC convictions lose their job

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I would hope that there is a lower conviction rate against Police Officers because as they enforce the law, so I would hope they know each and every loophole possible. Whether they use that to their advantage or not is up to them.

Like the officer last year who got taken back to the station after breathing a positive result, and asking to go to the toilet then ""slipped"" and banged his head on the toilet. then having to go to hospital which there was some loop hole surrounding that...can't remember everything exactly, but will do a G search!

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a bit off topic but i have a story to tell that i think will make anyone who would ever consider drinking and driving think twice...

im only 16 , and just before christmas i knowingly got in the car with a driver(my best mate) who i knew was under the influence.

i know, stupid mistake....

we made it about 200m down the road when we hit a parked car, slid 25m uphill and rolled twice .

we were both wearing seatbelts(luckily) and just missed a lampost.

the car we were in ( a 1990 peugoet gti ) was completly crushed and both of us walked out with minor scrapes an bruises. the officers who attended the crash said they have never seen two people so lucky and by all accounts we should both be dead.

i dont know if anyone wanted to know or cares but i learnt young. NEVER EVER DRINK AND DRIVE.

just my two cents.


Edited by ilovetheE30

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Good you have learn't your lesson(and hopefully you have) at a young age, some never do!! and i'm sure there are many stories like yours that others have as well.

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I've got a mate who's lost his licence 3 times on his learners, recently for DIC. He's on Community Service, and has recently been not going...

Guess who's going to Jail....

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I've got a mate who's lost his licence 3 times on his learners, recently for DIC. He's on Community Service, and has recently been not going...

Guess who's going to Jail....

Probably not him.

He'll get a collar on his leg tho and be stuck at home for 3 months though probably!

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What kind of punishment is that.... Bullshit punishment.

Edited by antil33t

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This makes me sick. That wanker should loose his job.

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I don't really go off on a tangent very often but reading a small news story here >>drink driving cop avoids conviction<<

WTF why should he avoid conviction, This to me reinforces the one rule for one and one rule for others. Same goes for high profile sports people, Hey get pissed and drive a car or maybe beat up your wife, does not matter i will get off with a slap on the hand with a wet card.

You do the crime that society has deemed unacceptable then you do the friken time like anybody else in that position would get.

Sorry just really pisses me off, And they wonder why people are losing respect for the police, Gee i wonder why.

Not everyone who gets arrested for drink driving gets convicted, countless people get off the charges at court, its just not published in the news paper like this.

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