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WTB - 2002 turbo, genuine car

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I'm a NZer currently overseas, and have been looking at a very nice 2002 turbo in the uk to bring back.

Before I go any further with this one though, I thought I'd look if anyone has one in NZ that they may be willing to part with in the next 12 - 24 months when I get back...

the downside of sourcing one from NZ, though, is that I wont be able to take it to the Nurburgring before shipping it home... :-(



if you have one, or know someone with one they may let out of their hands, I can be contacted by email:

[email protected]

Cheers muchly

Edited by joshua

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There was one for sale in NZ a year or so back, but I have no idea if it (1) sold, or (2) was any good. Price, from memory, was about $50k.

I believe there are a few around NZ although not necessarily for sale. You could try sending user name "Alpina" (Grant) a personal message as he's the most likely Bimmersport poster to know who's got one and whether its for sale.

Edited by CamB

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There was one for sale in NZ a year or so back, but I have no idea if it (1) sold, or (2) was any good. Price, from memory, was about $50k.

Jeff Gray from JG BMW owns this car.

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