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Exporting car from Australia.

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Due to talks of a certain importer closing down and a good deal available in Ausi, im looking for some information regarding buying a new car in Australia and having it shipped to NZ.

Has anyone any experience in these fields?

I would like to know about what costs can be deducted on their side, Tax, ORC etc and what needs to be done on ours.



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I sent a Celica convertible SS3 to Australia about 8 years ago, it was something I'd never wish upon anyone. It took 3 months for it to be actually drivable legally over there, I think mainly this was because it was a Japanese Import & they think they are the anti-christ. I do think it's easier to send the other way though, but you might have to own the car for a certain period of time? I have a client who has their machine at work at the moment, they just moved from SA and bought their landcruiser with them. Will ask them for you on Tuesday.

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Thinking of getting a Commodore or Falcon Graham? hah

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In theory, it should be the same as importing from Japan. I know that the Kiwi Carriers used to stop in Brisbane before or after visiting NZ so the roll on roll off ferry is a cheaper option - send them an inquiry email re costs. If you use a container, then costs would be about $NZ 3500

There would be MAF costs here upon unloading and usual $1k of compliance & rego.

As for tax ex Oz, if you are buying from a registered company with ABN (ie not private), in theory they can export the car to you without sales tax added. Whether they want to is the issue as it will involve some paperwork. You couldn't drive on road in Oz and they would need to arrange transport to port. If you collected and drove off lot in person then you have to pay sales tax. You could claim it back but only if you have a company ABN number and that is not a simple process (I am applying for one for work and it involves hoops).

When the car lands here, you will have to pay GST at 15% on the car and shipping costs.

Hope that helps


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Check with Mainfreight they ship a lot of cars from America and they do the rally cars as well.

They got branches in Australia.


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