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Final stage resistor e46

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Jumped into the car today to do the shopping and on way home noticed no air coming from the vents, Even if you set the fan on full blow or defrost for the front screen you get nothing, Sounds like it is running but on the lowest setting there is and i cannot feel any air coming from the vents at all.

Could this be the final stage resistor that gone up the wop ??.

I have checked all fuses and everything is fine no blown one's, I even scanned the car but that's not coming up with anything either. Anybody have this happen on an e46 ??

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Ok well i well and truly f**ked things, I took out the final stage resistor so i could get a replacement and put it in tomorrow. Contorted upside down i managed to wiggle it loose and with a bit of force to pull it out after i got it loose it came out, Great I thought got that out then i notice when it came out its caught on one of the actuator motors cable in plugs and ripped it off.

What the f**k do i do now ??. Could i just get a replacement motor from a wreckers (if i can find one) and slot it into place. Or do I have to get the whole bracket with the motor already in place, I have no idea how the bracket comes out as you cannot see sh*t.

Now I feel so f**ked off with myself as i was trying to be as careful as i could.

The pictures say it all, The first picture is when the motor slots into and the one after that is the two piece's i f**ked and the last is what its supposed to look like.

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Ive replaced heaps or resistor blocks (not an easy one to do) but I've never done that..or had to replace one. Can check on Monday... dont have TIS at home

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  *Glenn* said:

Ive replaced heaps or resistor blocks (not an easy one to do) but I've never done that..or had to replace one. Can check on Monday... dont have TIS at home

Cheers mate, Must have been the angle I was bringing the resistor block out on, Going to go to our wreckers tomorrow see if he's got anything, I am hoping anyway.

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Yup was the final stage resistor, Bought a new one today as i did not want to go second hand on one that would last 6 months and need a new one. Pretty pricey though.

Its also going to cost $190 for the stepping motor and assembly but will wait until Monday until the wreckers is open and see if i can scavenge one of those.

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Now i am not 100% sure which part i need to get here.

First pic is the stuffed piece followed by where it goes (right in front of where the final stage resistor is) and the last 2 pics are what i am looking at in real oem and not sure which this piece is. I have a feeling its the one i have highlighted in the first real oem pic and it goes into the bracket marked 7.

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Cheers Ray I got another from the wreckers, There was no part number at all on the unit, Well there was a number on the motor but that did not correspond with anything via real oem. All sorted now though that's the main thing and not a minute to soon was in the 30's today.

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