_ethrty-Andy_ 2143 Report post Posted November 22, 2010 Okay so almost every wire on my dash loom is cut, spliced, reconnected, or left just chilling, and i can almost gaurentee this is to do with the temperamental running of my twincam. Its just a solder, twisted wires, packaging tape and no insulation nightmare The car has always been fairly temperamental, doing things like dying when you turn the headlights on, pressing the indicator stalk and the windows on the coresponding side going down.. random as sh*t like that. Have replaced relays, fuses, control units etc over the years, and there is now no question, its the loom. Doesnt help when i was making the problem worse probing around for feeds for EWS. I also thought that while im sorting out this wiring, i might as well tidy up all of the wiring on the car, so a few other things at the same time right now the background is out of the way, on to what i want to achieve: into the factory underdash loom, i need to connect up: Uniden Alarm GPS Alarm/tracker/scanner Radar Scanner Voltmeter gauge Stereo system Switches in the control lines for both subwoofers Switch for the Hella spotlights on the bumper Switch for the taillights (so they can be killed during day time, i like to drive with my headlights on, but no need for the tails as well, and it kills the effect of all black tails) Killswitch for power feed line going to amps and capacitors in the boot Tidy stereo wiring How i thought i would go about this is cut out all of the auxilary stuff currently installed (no pun intended), and then repair any wires on the factory loom that are damaged, and reconnect them using a solder and then INSULATE them. I will leave a feed from the ON, ACC and START positions on the ignition switch I then thought i would run a two power wires, one each for ON and ACC and switch these from a relay off the ignition feeds. this is so that it takes the strain off the ignition switch and onto its own fused power line to power all my auxillaries. havent thought as far ahead as the rest of it yet. baby steps. no before pics of the underdash loom sorry as the camera is dead, but just imagine your worst electrical nightmare x10. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
|ncary 0 Report post Posted November 23, 2010 A really do wish you the best of luck Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_ethrty-Andy_ 2143 Report post Posted December 8, 2010 okay so ive been working on this quite a bit and im almost done. farkkk its hard wiring, even harder when you are colourblind!! May end up not needing to do this if i decide to trackspec the car but may as well finish what ive started I have been reading up a bit, and it seems that, from the extent of my electrical issues, my fusebox curcuit board may be bad. so i wouldnt mind swapping this out just to be sure, but how hard is this to change? or do i have to replace the whole box? i dont want to unscrew the box and take it apart as i dont know what its like inside and if springs and crap start flying out...... not cool. To those more experienced than me, does this sound correct? and if so, how easy is it? cheers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites