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Telecom Prepaid Mobile free calls

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Are you guys aware that Telecom mobile prepaid customers with a zero balance have free calls today ?

A fix will be put in at midnight tonight. Its all a little Cinderella'ish I know but Im sure someone can take advantage of it.

Shame myself and everyone I know is on vodafone !

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Telecom are just the biggest jokes ever.

They have got their marketing so wrong its not funny.

Fools. It kills me that biarch making millions a year, and I reckon I could turn up profits for them, easy.

Its not like its hard to get telecom making money.

Ahhh it kills me so bad.

As a part owner I think I am entitled to my opinion. :bounce:

Edited by m325i

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Are you guys aware that Telecom mobile prepaid customers with a zero balance have free calls today ?

A fix will be put in at midnight tonight. Its all a little Cinderella'ish I know but Im sure someone can take advantage of it.

Shame myself and everyone I know is on vodafone !

Telecom always have little system niggles here and there all the time,

but I am not sure if they will back-charge those calls that you made during this "free period". Afterall, if you used it, you need to pay for it.

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Its not like its hard to get telecom making money.

Errrr the last annual profit was over 800 million.

Im not really sure they need your help mate !

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Its not like its hard to get telecom making money.

Errrr the last annual profit was over 800 million.

Im not really sure they need your help mate !

ummmm, thats my point.

Any gimp could have them making $.

Im sure all of you who have delt with Telecom know what a wonderful 'go foward' firm they are :thumbsdown:

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they own the phone lines, how could they not control the market. They was laws put up against being able to control the market like this but somehow they have managed to get aroudn htese.

If anyone has any legal experience, I wanna talk to you. As I have a possible case against them, that I'd like to take to hte small claims court.

Edited by E30stz

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This mornings paper stated they will be back charging everyone as it was a fault with the network or something.

It was pissing me off royally through the day as I couldn't make calls from my phone right through the afternoon & into the evening.

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hahah @ the people that thort freeness comes with telecom... pwned.

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