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Some random photography

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So every now and again I get the urge to fire off a few snaps.

Thought id share a few from my latest effort.


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Cool shots mate got to love random ones

they also fun when it comes to editing

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Second one will look awesome in black & white IMHO

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I like the second the best, maybe tone down the saturation on the field in the back ground a bit and it would be perfect. Pretty nice post-processing.

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^^^^^^ Yup, all great random shots - well done, but green a little over empasized I think - in both first & second.

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yeah, sorta figured that after I looked at it again .. however these are coloured for print. Print you need to push the colours else it looks quite dull.

Anyways, was a good test of some new methods i'm using now.

Cheers for the comments.

PS, these photos where taken on my Samsung Galaxy s2 ... The colouring was done in photoshop. Not a DSLR in sight.

My favourite is the last one, as its the m ost balanced light wise.

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PS, these photos where taken on my Samsung Galaxy s2 ... The colouring was done in photoshop. Not a DSLR in sight.

Phone these days take such good picture. 2 years ago would never imagine cellphone camera quality to be like this.

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