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M3 to E60 M5 running costs?

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This might be an odd question seeing as I’ve only had the M3 for about a month but there might be an opportunity to put 10k on top of mine to get the M5, which is a very good deal (especially for what I paid for the M3). Don’t get me wrong the 3 is a beast and it’s great fun to drive on the weekends.. it feels better than ever after coming back from the Inspection II having the Vanos parts also fitted.

I guess the main question is how much more to run than the M3 is it, roughly in terms of servicing and parts (not fussed about petrol, as it’s just for the weekends). I’m probably more worried about parts breaking and a like for like. E.G the SMG pump on the M3 will be 1.5k or so, is this similar to the M5? I’ve searched for the tyres and brakes and while it’s a lot it’s alright. What about the clutch? I heard they don’t last all that long.. The one is question has also apparently had a vanos upgrade but it’s a UK import. It would be good to know what other bills this beast could potentially throw at me.

If anyone has done this transition or is in the know I’d like to hear from you!

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If the SMG pump goes on the E60 it's not a cheap fix. Biggest consumable is obviously petrol. In my E46 M3 was getting about 14l/100kms, in the V8 M3 I'm getting around 17l/100km with the same driving style.

Mate in an M5 gets about 250-300km to a $180 tank IIRC.

Here's a good thread if you're serious about the change:


To conclude:
It'll cost a shitload more than the E46 M3 - lol.

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Good read, such a shame the gearbox sucks.. Or the smg should I say. They did manual ones for the US market, that would be sweet.

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A shitload more is an understatement.

Stick with your M3 mate. it's a better looking car anyway.

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Yeah, the looks are pretty controversial but I don't mind them. Maybe I'll just keep saving for the e90.. It's just 10k on top of mine seems like a deal too good to pass up!

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If the SMG pump goes on the E60 it's not a cheap fix. Biggest consumable is obviously petrol. In my E46 M3 was getting about 14l/100kms, in the V8 M3 I'm getting around 17l/100km with the same driving style.

Mate in an M5 gets about 250-300km to a $180 tank IIRC.

14l/100km in the E46 M3 ... man you must be on it all the time!!! I get like 11l/100km in the CSL ... sometimes it even dips down in the 10s .... 17l/100km in the V8 sounds about right ... wait till you take it to the track and physically see the fuel needle move with each lap and run out of fuel before lunch time LOL!!!

The E60 M5 is one of those cars that in my opinion the following statement really isn't far from the truth:

"If you can't afford it brand new ... then you can't afford to keep it"

Edited by M3_Power
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The consumption in the M3 has never bothered me, in fact I think it's pretty good for what it is!

I've never been a fan of that statement, I mean I don't have 200k in a lump sum but I earn a decent amount each week to be able to run somthing silly...i just wouldnt want 50% or even 30% of that income going to a toy i do 200kms per week in :P

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More like if you can't afford the repayments or depreciation on one then.

Personally I wouldn't want to pay for the bill or petrol on one!!!

Had a friend that got one brand new and his famous last words were "never again" LOL

Also they are a fairly unreliable car ... I've seen a few of those with the engine out and pulled apart for repairs. Not a pretty bill.

Edited by M3_Power

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Haha yeah, it's steep I agree, but would much rather spend $200 on the tank of the M5 than $200 at the pub on a Friday night!

Wow, buying brand new must have hurt, but his must be wedged anyway if he can afford that!

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14l/100km in the E46 M3 ... man you must be on it all the time!!! I get like 11l/100km in the CSL ... sometimes it even dips down in the 10s ....

Na mate, that's a short commute for you :P

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If the SMG pump goes on the E60 it's not a cheap fix. Biggest consumable is obviously petrol. In my E46 M3 was getting about 14l/100kms, in the V8 M3 I'm getting around 17l/100km with the same driving style.

Mate in an M5 gets about 250-300km to a $180 tank IIRC.

Here's a good thread if you're serious about the change:


To conclude:

It'll cost a shitload more than the E46 M3 - lol.

Thanks for confirming what my next car is not going to be.

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Thanks for confirming what my next car is not going to be.

Haha I'm sure ownership is great if you have the sack (of cash) for it :P

Edited by Tristan

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Thanks for confirming what my next car is not going to be.

x2... I started watching them with a bit of interest recently, as prices started dropping fast.. staying WELL away after reading this thread!

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Well - I might just disagree with everyone here. I bought a new M3 in 2005. From that I went to a new M5 in 2009. The SMG in the M5 was 10 times better than the M3. I also now have a M3 CSL and the E60 SMG definitely blows the E46 CSL SMG away.

Fuel - well I drove mine around Napier with odd trips away. I did about 20km in 2 years. I found it averaged at about 19l/100km around town and 12-14 on the open road at 110 km/h.

Overall I loved the E60. The noise is amazing and it is very capable. I was sad to see it go, and some times even have crazy ideas about buying another one just to keep in the shed (I probably will when prices stop falling).

The cost of running one is a little unknown to me as I purchased new, however I did do a clutch under warrenty after 5km. This was however just after a track day with many launch controls and towing a 2.2 ton boat over the Napier to Taupo road, so maybe not all a car issue.....

I now have a F10 M5 and the new DCT transmission blows the old SMG away agin. The new M5 is bloody great........

When I went from M3 to M5 I felt the difference was quite big and comfort was a lot better in the M5. The E60 M5 has arguably the best ever M engine ever produced. The V10 was a fantastic piece of kit.

There are lots of stories about big bills, so if you do go the M5 make sure you can afford any issues etc down the track. Also i would suggest a very very good PPI from a BMW dealer..... Good luck!

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That's a good post, thanks! I would get it ppi'd for sure.

As I said when buying the 3, I don't mind the odd 2k bill every few months but frequent bills of 3k+ wouldn't be very nice.

The big ones seem to be the red cog and the clutch its self which appears to be made of cheese.

It may be the case that I just enjoy it for a few months and flick it on... As long as I got 35k+ for it if be happy as I've never seen one that low anyway.

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