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Hotmail upgrade, 2MB to 25MB then 250MB

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Note: The following is just on top of my head, the options may not be exactly as displayed on screen but should be close.

1. Sign in to Hotmail

2. Click Option -> Options -> My Profile

3. Change Country to USA, put down, say Floreda and 33332 as ZIP code. (or NY 11220)

4. Update then sign out


1. Sign in to http://memberservices.passport.net/ using your Hotmail username/passwords

2. Click Customer Service -> Close Account

3. Close the account then sign out


1. Sign in to Hotmail again

2. Skip through those Junk advertising

3. Ta~Da~ 25MB done. MS will upgrade to 250MB after a month or so.

Although it was tested that it won't lose your e-mails, but it's recommended that you back up anything important before you try. I take no responsibility and you should proceed at your own risk.

Only downside to this is, you can't use MSN Messenger to auto sign-in to Hotmail.


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Haha, teh gayness of it all, all that shagging around when you can have GMAIL and have 2565 mb of storage :mosh:

Then sign up to www.passport.net and be able to use MSN with a Gmail acoount.

If anyone wants one just givers a yell

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My_E36, thanks worked, a treat.

BMW POWER, isn't Gmail still Beta?

Yes it is still Beta.

I haven't had any problems with it at all.

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Most of google is in beta. I use Gmail to an extent...pretty good. Has a little program that checks for new email, too, quite cool. I run my own email servers anyway...if anyone wants an email at @creativewebs.co.nz or @onsite.net.nz or @cafeinternet.co.nz or @theinternetcafe.co.nz or @geektek.co.nz lol let me know and i'll set one up for ya :P

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Sweet man, seemed to have worked. My emails were all there also. I tested it on another account that i had first. It worked, so all good! Im keen to know how u found out about it, obviously through word of mouth yea?

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Im keen to know how u found out about it, obviously through word of mouth yea?

yeh~ how else?

That's the power of the Internet.

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I've tried this, and got the 25mb bit, but 6 months or so later I still haven't got the 250mb :angry::angry::angry:

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