HSB 282 Report post Posted May 31, 2015 Hi all I wonder what everyone's thoughts are on this: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=894732131 1999 328i Coupe Reg: DYH821 KMs quite high but SJ mentioned not to be too worried about that. Does anyone know Jed? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KwS 2434 Report post Posted May 31, 2015 its got some good motorsport options, but its not full motorsport. Could be a good buy if you get it cheap enough. Data for vehicle identification number: WBABM52020JM21670Model description: 328CI Market: Europa Type: BM52 E-Code: E46 (2) Chassis: Coupé Steering: rechts Doors: 2 Engine: M52/TU - 2,80l (142kW) Drive: Heckantrieb Transmission: automatisch Body Color: Topasblau Metallic (364) Upholstery: Standardleder/schwarz (N6SW) Production date: 05.10.1999 Assembled in: Regensburg Code Serienausstattung Standard Equipment S226A Sportliche Fahrwerksabstimmung Sports suspension settings S255A Sport-Lederlenkrad Airbag Sports leather steering wheel S473A Armlehne vorne Armrest front S520A Nebelscheinwerfer Fog lights S550A Bordcomputer On-board computer S832A Batterie im Kofferraum Battery in luggage compartment S853A Sprachversion englisch Language version English Code Sonderausstattung Optional Equipment S204A Kürzere HAG-Übersetzung Shorter final drive ratio S205A Automatikgetriebe Automatic transmission S288A BMW LM Rad Kreuzspeiche 29 BMW light alloy wheel, cross spoke 29 S313A Aussenspiegel Anklappfunktion Fold-in outside mirror S354A Frontscheibe grün Grünkeil Green windscreen, green shade band S423A Fussmatten Velours Floor mats, velours S428A Warndreieck und Verbandstasche Warning triangle and first aid kit S431A Innenspiegel automatisch abblendend Interior mirror with automatic-dip S438A Edelholzausführung Fine wood trim S441A Raucherpaket Smoker package S459A Sitzverstellung elektrisch mit Memory Seat adjuster, electric, with memory S470A Isofix-System Isofix-System S481A Sportsitz Sports seat S494A Sitzheizung Fahrer/Beifahrer Seat heating driver/passenger S522A Xenon-Licht Xenon Light S534A Klimaautomatik Automatic air conditioning S548A Kilometertacho Kilometer-calibrated speedometer S609A Navigationssystem Professional Navigation system Professional S676A HiFi Lautsprechersystem HiFi speaker system S692A CD-Wechsler I-Bus Vorbereitung Preparation, BMW 6-CD changer I-bus L807A Länderausführung Japan NATIONAL VERSION JAPAN S823A Heissland-Ausführung Hot-climate version S845A Akustische Gurtwarnung Acoustic belt warning S875A Infrarot Fernbedienung Infrared remote control S925A Versandschutzpaket Transport protection package S992A Steuerung Kennzeichenbefestigung Control of number-plate attachment 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites