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Forum etiquette and you

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F*ck that last thread was great by you, very entertaining, I almost burst out laughing at my desk. Can someone please sticky it? For future lol's etc.

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Do some research on FORUM ETIQUETTE as you don't seem to have a grasp on it yet, go type "internet forum etiquette" into google and go read the results.

Typing in CAPITAL letters for one is very bad form and can be considered offensive. Spelling and grammatical errors only lead to fellow reader's forming an assumption that you're very simple minded.

E: Punctuation is also a very important skill to have, and while i'm on it, know the difference bewteen:

they're, there, and their

no, know, and now

you, you're, your


Edited by Carl

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CAPS LOCK key is located just below the tab key and above the shift key.

Edited by E30stz

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All good smithy :thumb:.

I never thought of a biscuit tin lol, but it looks fairly well done

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All good smithy :thumb:.

I never thought of a biscuit tin lol, but it looks fairly well done


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Not handle you're immaturity and overall retarded nature? Possibly not. I know I couldn't if I owned the site, fortunatly, there is a big button thats avaliable, clearly marked "ban".

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Found this within a few clicks, very appropriate:

# Make your questions (and responses) as clear and intelligible as possible. If English is your native language then please use punctuation and well structured sentences to whatever extent possible. It is easier to read and understand your problem (and solution) if it's.... well, if it's easier to read. If English is not your native language, then just do the best you can. We'll figure it out. Keep the questions short and to the point, avoiding "stories" as much as possible.

# Avoid "chat lingo" & shorthand for the same reason as above. Some of us find it easier to read actual words and sentences than to try to figure out what SMS abbreviations stand for.

# Please give your post a relevant topic subject. Topics titled "Please Help" don't attract as much attention from our regulars as something more descriptive.

# Do not post new problems on someone else's thread. That's called hijacking. Aside from being rude, your question may get lost in the shuffle.

# Do not start "private" or non sequitur conversations in someone else's thread. Again, it's not polite.

# Use our internal forum search function. Most questions have been asked and answered already and it's very likely you can save yourself some time (and pick up a few good ideas) by going through related threads.

# If you don't know the answer to a posted problem or have nothing intelligent or helpful to contribute, please don't post in that thread. Unlike other "similar" support sites, we pride ourselves on trying to "get it right" the first time and to avoid answers such as: reformat (that may prove to be the only solution, but it won't be the first option we suggest unless it's clearly the only logical choice). Our primary goal is to help, not to further confuse.

# Try to post questions in the appropriate forum. Moderators will move them if needed, but it's easier for all concerned if they are where they belong in the first place.

# Don't try to build your post count with "welcomes" or by replying to every comment in an Off Topic thread you start. Nobody likes that and we're hip to what you are doing anyway.

# Please use standard size font when posting. All caps or large or small fonts or all bold or italic is not only hard to read, it's generally considered poor forum etiquette. For example, all caps is considered the equivalent of YELLING.

# Of course foul language and rude behavior will not be tolerated. Neither will spam or advertising of any sort.

# Please do not post links to competing web sites unless it is an integral part of your response to a technical question in a thread.

# No advertising of products, services or web sites please without consulting first.

# Use common sense when posting. We are a public, global forum frequented by people of all ages and race. What you find humorous others may very well find crude or offensive. Keep in mind people don't come here expecting to be be confronted with offensive material or language of any sort.

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We still havint finished them yet dude, its taking a while but im in

no major hurry. I want to get the perfect haha. will you post up some pix

of your brace?

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To highlight some of your recent feeble attempts, its absolutley shocking that you can't spell "handle" or "button". Did you actually go to school?

Im suprised that you can actually "handill" turning a computer on, let alone posting a thread on a internet forum.

Edited by bmwsparkle

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serosley .. thats the whole thing.. we cant read what your writing anyway.. so its hard to see what your trying to say without it sounding illiterate.

Edited by E30stz

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serosley .. thats the whole thing.. we cant read what your writing anyway.. so its hard to see what your trying to say without sounding illiterate.

lol classic

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all im saying is i dont take life to serosley if u dont like what im saying dont read it please

School holidays are shocking for forums.

In what context do you not take life seriously? How do you define that?

Under my understanding, not taking life seriously is being easy going and care free. Although you had posted earlier that I apparently take life too seriously, I don't, in fact, I am a very care free type person, ask people on here.

But for yourself, it seems you do take "life seriously", obviously your context meaning the attitude on the forum in general. Getting on the rag about someone locking a retarded thread is not "not taking life seriously".

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