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M20b20 + auto gearbox e30 engine and gearbox

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As above, m20b20 Engine and Autobox out of a 320i pfl. please read carefully, suspected cracked head. Oil in coolant. Suit rebuild/head replacement. Was still running before being taken out of car. Gearbox works perfectly. 

price $100 or whatever you want to pay for it, I don’t have space for it. Will be getting removed in the next week. If nobody wants it will be getting scrapped, seems like a waste of a perfectly good gearbox and bottom end. 


not looking to sell parts seperately, come grab the whole thing take what you need and scrap the rest. 

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Will be getting pulled this weekend. If anyone wants a free long block/auto gearbox flick me a pm. Would be a shame to send them to the scrap yard. 

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