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E30 Knocking help please!!

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Righty Ho, well its only been happening since my run in with the cop car, every now and then if i accellerate heavily in 1st gear (from standing start) I can feel a faint shudder/knocking vibrating through my seat, it doesnt do it in any other gear although there is a slight knocking sound but no vibration if I am in a high gear at low revs but the car has done this since i got it and never thought any thing of it, everything under the car looks in order (had a look when I got my WOF last week)

Also ive only noticed it since the accident but the left side of my car sits approx 1 cm lower than the right side, it handles well and I dont get any vibration or wheel shudder at all. All the panels line up and structurally (sp) it looks sweet, yet ive measured from various points and as said above the ride height is uneven. Shocks and springs should be fine as I only got new ones a year or so ago... Should I be looking at dodgy panel work?

One other thing that came into mind was the fact that my car originally had no side repeaters and the fender that replaced the damaged one had a side repeater on it but the hole was welded up. Could there be a difference in the guards even though the replacement was off a pre f/l?

Any help would be good, cheers guys


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Its probably a broken Gearbox/transmission mount. Or driveshaft center bearing rubber busted.

Not a huge expence, but you may be able to stick the cost as a result of the Bacon hitting you! :)

Righty Ho, well its only been happening since my run in with the cop car, every now and then if i accellerate heavily in 1st gear (from standing start) I can feel a faint shudder/knocking vibrating through my seat, it doesnt do it in any other gear although there is a slight knocking sound but no vibration if I am in a high gear at low revs but the car has done this since i got it and never thought any thing of it, everything under the car looks in order (had a look when I got my WOF last week)

Also ive only noticed it since the accident but the left side of my car sits approx 1 cm lower than the right side, it handles well and I dont get any vibration or wheel shudder at all. All the panels line up and structurally (sp) it looks sweet, yet ive measured from various points and as said above the ride height is uneven. Shocks and springs should be fine as I only got new ones a year or so ago... Should I be looking at dodgy panel work?

One other thing that came into mind was the fact that my car originally had no side repeaters and the fender that replaced the damaged one had a side repeater on it but the hole was welded up. Could there be a difference in the guards even though the replacement was off a pre f/l?

Any help would be good, cheers guys


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Ill have a look at them, can i use an auto driveshaft mount on a manual box? And a Gearbox mount respectively?

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They should be the same. So long as they are both either Pre face lift or face lift. Driveshaft rubber mounts are differant. Face lift is narrower on the later cars. :)

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Also ive only noticed it since the accident but the left side of my car sits approx 1 cm lower than the right side, it handles well and I dont get any vibration or wheel shudder at all. All the panels line up and structurally (sp) it looks sweet, yet ive measured from various points and as said above the ride height is uneven. Shocks and springs should be fine as I only got new ones a year or so ago... Should I be looking at dodgy panel work?


Your Car could be wedged [diagonal twist]

Get your car on level ground & stand well back, Look at the Top of the Roof & Screen, and the Base of the Screen, and the front of the bonnet & valance [all at the same time]

What you are checking for [lining up] is a "Diagonal Twist" in your car, Panel Beaters from my experience seem to overlook this [most punters only look down the sides]

Do this from behind as well otherwise it's the "rack" [chassis machine]

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Awsome did what you said and yes looks like i've got the twist's :angry: Looks like its back to the panel shop!!!

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This technique was shown to me by my younger brother who is a panelbeater [he also showed me how to spot colour matching errors]


before you go back to the panelshop, get a second opinion from an authority [eg AA] to back you up

It saves your ass during disputes

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Okay will do, ill take it to the AA shop on the weekend... get them to look at it and yea see whats gunna happen, would you say that its the panelbeaters responsibility? I hope i wont be needing to give them any more money!!!

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Okay will do, ill take it to the AA shop on the weekend... get them to look at it and yea see whats gunna happen, would you say that its the panelbeaters responsibility? I hope i wont be needing to give them any more money!!!

You shouldn't have to! Thats why you need a second opinion [try LTSA,they are an authority on roadworthiness. just make sure your car is legal]

Remember 90% of people don't even notice a twist in a car [ they'll probably say is was always there] Stand your ground & don't argue with them [just in case you need the disputes tribunal]


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mmmm its probably nothing really i mean 1cm whoopdy sh*t but im a perfectionist lol i wasnt even really happy with the paint repair they did....

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mmmm its probably nothing really i mean 1cm whoopdy sh*t but im a perfectionist lol i wasnt even really happy with the paint repair they did....

on a racecar 1cm of wedge means oversteer one-way and understeer the other [ask any good dirt-car guy]

Hey if it wasn't there before the accident, it should be put right

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Okay, i had a look under the car the other day and checked all possible bits that could be knocking, noticed that the bolts on the drivers side of the gearbox crossmember had come loose. I tightened them up and away went the knocking noise and the vibration. Its been fine for the last few days but on the way home today the vibration started up again in low revs in 1st gear. I havnt checked the bolts again since, but what i am wanting to know is are the crossmember bolts supposed to have locknuts on them?

Im just about to go have another look to see if they have vibrated loose again.

Will keep this thread updated..



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