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Guest Ari Gold

TBMW out of print

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Guest Spargo

From: [email protected]

> Subject: Total BMW

> Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 16:33:14 +0100


> Gentlemen,


> Well, as you know, news in t his industry travels fast, but I'd& nbsp;rather

> send this out to you to tie& nbsp;up any loose ends and make&nbs p;it official.

> You may or may not be aware& nbsp;of this but the news is t hat Future

> Publishing has over-extended itself an d is having to close over 15&n bsp;

> magazines, one of which – sadly&n bsp;– is Total BMW. I'm very f rustrated

> by it and what has happened to the mag, but there's nothing&nbs p;I can do

> about it either.


> I have been on the magazine for three and a half years now , as both

> staff writer and editor and in&nb sp;that time I have worked closely& nbsp;with a

> lot of you. I'd like to than k you all for your input over& nbsp;the years,

> you've really helped to make a&nb sp;great magazine, one which I thin k

> editorially we can be very proud& nbsp;of. We all knew it wasn't ;going to

> be the biggest seller in the ;world but I think a lot of&nb sp;people really

> liked it and difficulties in the& nbsp;publishing industry as a whole ;have

> finally put paid to it. It r emains a great looking and strong&n bsp;mag

> editorially.


> I believe I have paid all of you for work supplied but let me know if

> there are invoices outstanding. I ;cannot accept any new commissions

> of course, so if you have an ything in the pipeline I'm afraid&n bsp;you'll

> have to sell it elsewhere – you won't offend me if you go& nbsp;to Unity

> Media, either! It has been a ;pleasure working with you, and for those

> of you who have just started ;contributing to TBMW, or were abou t to

> start contributing, I am truly so rry; we were keen to work with you

> but obviously the situation is no w out of my hands.


> So there you are. I have no& nbsp;idea where I will be going&nbs p;next but I am

> sure I will keep in touch. P erhaps I will be working with you on

> various projects! To those who I& nbsp;have already spoken to and who have

> offered their messages of support,&nbs p;thanks. If I've left anyone off&n bsp;

> the list, please forward this on& nbsp;to them. To everyone here –&nb sp;all the

> best for the future (not Future!! !) and I hope to see you all soon,


> Cheers


> Matt



Real shame IMHO

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Damn - I liked the mag

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Dammit, another good BMW magazine gone, now we're left with BMWCar and Performance BMW (which IMO is the lousiest of them all).

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was this one a UK title or local?

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More info Ive picked up...

Hello all,

Can I just clear something up? Total BMW magazine has NOT ceased

publication yet. We are continuing as normal and issue 75 is just about to

go to the publishers.

I have just seen the BMW Car Club column by Jeff Heywood and I am not

at all pleased. So I would like to do my best to rectify it. Future Publishing

does not intend to continue publishing this title but the intention is to sell

as many mags as possible to prevent closure. Total BMW is one of those

mags and the intention is that it will keep going with another publisher.

There is still a chance we may cease publication, but at the moment it is

business as usual.

When I came on this forum a few weeks ago, I wanted to clear up the

situation as I knew the news would get out. It would seem that everyone

has assumed we have stopped publication. Only we here on the editorial

team know exactly when it will close, or which is the last issue. Please

don't listen to anyone else in the meantime, as they do not have their

facts straight.

I hope this clears things up,


Matt Robinson, Total BMW editor

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Dont mean to drag an old thread up but I heard some time ago that TBMW has been picked up by another publisher (or will continue to be printed somehow or other).

Unfortunately the first couple of issues in the UK have been slated because of the amount of advertising thats now in it and the lack of articles. We'll have to wait and see I guess.

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Havent seen it yet - I prefer Performance BMW :-)

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dammit! any good e30 mags?

The last two editions of PBMW have had E30s in them - its the way to go :-)

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