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Hey allan thats a perfect post! thankyou!

so yes still wanting educated answers to my question from people who know what they drive, and dont expect or try to coax 300hp of tractable power from the accelerator pedal of a 318! The reason i say this, is that i have had 2 316i's, and found them both fine to drive, and very economical

cheerth guyth


Lets put it this way, after 8-9 months of 318iSlow.. I can't wait to get out of the thing and even the thought of driving a manual 320 of the same year as my car excites me.

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Several informed answers lay buried in the various replies , but the short of it is:

1) M52 engines are far more fuel efficient than M50 engines

2) Manuals are more fuel efficient than Autos

3) Small Engined cars are better crawling in traffic larger engined cars are better on open road- BMW handbook gives 328 better economy at 120 kmh than 318

4) Best balance for economy and performance for mixed driving 323 M52

I'm going to agree here almost completely, personally I'd choose the M50B25 325 as the slight difference in economy would be offset by the extra 22hp in my own opinion.

But it depends which is more important to you.. Power or Economy, there's only gotta be a kilometre per litre difference between each engine.. if that?

BTW in response to the 2 pedals / 3 pedals thing I have a gorgeous piece of Italian engineering with two pedal and two wheels but this is a "car" forum"

Please, please, please tell me you ride a Ducati..last time I was in Auckland I saw a youngish guy on a 1098 S and had a big drool..

Or if you're more into pedals that move up and down.. Bianchi?

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The rest is entertainment value.

I agree with 3pedals on this. :)

You are acting like spoiled little children.

Answer the mans query and do not drag this site into the gutter.

Please don't post such inflammatory comments! Lighten up, dude! :rolleyes:

BTW, Allan - any movement on your new car?

Edited by Jazzbass

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But it depends which is more important to you.. Power or Economy, there's only gotta be a kilometre per litre difference between each engine.. if that?

Yes, good point.

I'd go further and say that the 323/5 are a better balanced car than the 318/320 overall. (personal opinion)

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